You can no longer see your children bickering? However, there is a good reason to rejoice.
It is sometimes difficult to manage quarrels in a siblings. Rivalries, meanness, annoyances, jealousy or simple disagreement, all the reasons are good for arguing. For parents, however, small (and large) untimely jousts can be a source of concern. Especially since according to An Ipsos studyfraternal links are “very important” for 73% of French people.
But whatever the nature of the links maintained, and even if the children are generally well, conflicts are inevitable. And between a brother and a sister, these conflicts can even have positive virtues. This is why, Nadège Larché, a psychologist specializing in the development of the child and the adolescent, invites to mourn this family dreamy in the image too long idealized. “Disputes in siblings are essential and are among the ingredients inherent in the family,” she explains France Inter.
According to this logic, scientists of Cambridge University Research Center The dynamics at work within a siblish have looked. Their objective was to decipher the causes and founding mechanisms of children’s social communication – their ability to grasp the thoughts and emotions of others in particular – in order to understand why some people are delaying compared to others.

During their research, they noted an improvement in social skills, vocabulary and the development of children who were arguing with their brother or sister. These quarrels also tended to promote a competitive spirit, as evidenced by the fraternal rivalry which unites Alexis and Félix Lebrun, two rising stars of French table tennis.
“Parents exhausted by constant disputes between their children should be happy to know that they acquire important social skills, underlines Professor Claire Huguesone of the researchers responsible for the study. Our results suggest that their relational faculties can develop in interactions with their brother or sister, “she concludes.
Although a healthy rivalry exists within a siblings, the project team still warns wreakrobe caused by periods of generalized conflict: bad self -esteem, behavioral disorders, emotional instability … on the other hand , it is moderate disputes that stimulate cognitive development.