If you were bad at math or French, it might be because of your brother or sister’s age

If you were bad at math or French it might

How much age gap do you have with your brother or sister? According to researchers, the years that separate you have nothing to do with it.

Many students struggle to achieve good results in mathematics and French. According to the latest Pisa report published at the end of 2023, France is experiencing a “historic” decline in the level of schoolchildren aged 15 in mathematics, but also in reading comprehension. The government has also announced an action plan called “shock of knowledge” to raise the level of students, in particular by establishing groups of levels in middle school, by deepening the school programs in primary school, or even by facilitating repetition. Of course, doing your homework, revising and staying focused in class are essential keys to success in school. But according to scientists, academic performance could also be linked to the age gap between siblings. This surprising conclusion allowed them to define the ideal age gap to have within siblings to achieve good academic results.

Very often, parents like not to delay before conceiving a second child, so that the little ones can grow up and play together, without too much of an age gap. But waiting too much (or not enough) could also have consequences on the academic success of young schoolchildren, according to several scientific studies. And it is generally the youngest children who are most impacted.

Thus, children with an age gap of less than 21 months with their older brother or sister would have more difficulty in vocabulary, reading and mathematics. “One reason for this could be that when parents have children close together, they have less time to spend talking, interacting and reading with each child, which could impact academic performance“, child psychologist Dr. Michele McDowell tells iNews.

But these academic difficulties are also felt among children with a greater age gap (greater than five years). This time, scientists note delays in communication. Siblings with a gap of more than three and a half years also encountered problems in mathematics. So, what would be the ideal age between a brother and a sister so as not to be harmed at school? According to research, two to three years apart would seem to be the perfect age.
