If you want to lose weight or not, drop what you have right now! You will start to lose weight

If you want to lose weight or not drop what

Losing weight is a long process. If you eat healthy and regularly, do sports and drink enough water, you will see that you start to lose weight over time. If you consume foods that accelerate metabolism, you start to lose weight faster. However, if you eat foods that slow your metabolism without realizing it, it will be harder to lose weight!

Some foods that you think are healthy may be foods that slow down your metabolism and prevent weight loss. The faster the metabolism, the more it converts the food consumed and the more calories it burns. When it is slow, it stores more fat.


Metabolic rate is individual and depends on many individual factors related to genetics and lifestyle. Genes, physical condition, age, and diet affect metabolic rate. Some foods boost metabolism, while others slow it down. Here are the foods that make it difficult to lose weight:


While white bread and pasta are a much tastier option than whole grains, you should know that white flour is more processed and therefore loses all the benefits of the grains from which it is made.

White flour is processed wheat that has lost the best properties of wheat grains, such as fiber and antioxidants, during the formation process and has an incredibly low nutritional quality. White flour contains little or no fiber, which means it is not beneficial for gut health and metabolism. It also slows down digestion.



Alcohol causes weight gain, but not just because they’re high in calories. According to some scientific studies, alcohol has a slowing effect on metabolism. In addition, alcohol can reduce the body’s ability to burn calories by 73 percent. Acetaldehyde is formed in the body when alcohol is consumed excessively and in large quantities. This toxic substance sends many internal warning signals to the digestive system. And instead of burning the calories consumed, the body gets busy working to get rid of these chemicals.


Did you know that some juices can contain more sugar than some sodas? Most fruit juices are full of sugar, chemicals, food coloring, and flavorings. Make sure you actually read the ingredients of any juice you buy. Watch out for ingredients like corn syrup, dextrose, fructose, juice concentrate, maltodextrin, raw sugar, and brown sugar. Instead, squeeze real lemon juice into the water and speed up your metabolism.



Did you know that certain medications used on fruits and vegetables can cause weight gain? Studies show that pesticides can slow metabolism, causing weight gain. When you buy fruit or vegetables, try to buy organic. And don’t forget to wash each item thoroughly.


carbonated drinks

Many sodas are sweetened with high fructose corn syrup. This is a sweetener with a high level of sugar. Since fructose is not metabolized like glucose and is not directly converted into energy, consuming too much of this sweetener can slow down the metabolism. It takes longer for the body to transform it. Also, studies show a strong link between high fructose corn syrup-sweetened beverages and metabolic disorders.



Omega 6 fatty acids should not be confused with healthy omega 3 fatty acids, which can be obtained from oils found in chia seeds, walnuts, salmon, and the like. Omega 6 fatty acids are seen as one of the nutrients that trigger obesity. Foods used to have balanced omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, but today over-processing of foods causes them to contain much higher amounts of omega 6s that cause obesity.

Red meat

Red meat is full of substances that can harm the good bacteria living in your digestive tract, leading to digestive issues and weight gain. Studies show that red meat, which damages the intestinal flora, can also slow down the metabolism and trigger weight gain.
