If you want to enhance your garden with beautiful flowers for sunny days, beware of appearances and do not plant anything: these varieties, although magnificent, give off a pestilential smell!

If you want to enhance your garden with beautiful flowers

If you want to enhance your garden with beautiful flowers for sunny days, beware of appearances and do not plant anything: these varieties, although magnificent, give off a pestilential smell!

Spring is fast approaching, announcing the long -awaited renewal. Gardening enthusiasts are delighted! After a long winter, it is time to take care of his garden to help him flourish under the first rays of the sun. And who says garden, says plants! What a pleasure to wander in the middle of the greenery and its shimmering colors, enhanced the delicate perfume that the flowers give!

But beware, their appearance can be misleading. Some plants may be magnificent, but they are far from harmless. Some sting, others irritate, and there are even dangerously toxic. We think in particular of nettle, well known for its stinging hairs which cause itching and redness. Or the poisonous sumac, which causes severe rashes to simple contact. It is therefore better to avoid having them, especially if you have children! Other plants, such as the parer, tend to release enormous amounts of pollen, which can be a real hell for allergic people.

However, there is a point that we often forget to check when adding a new plant to your garden: its perfume. Because if, most of the time, it is zero or pleasant, some plants give off an unbearable smell that could spoil your moments of relaxation outdoors. This is for example the case of the fetid anthemis, whose name alone is a sufficient warning. Much appreciated for its pretty flowering in summer, it however has the particularity of freeing a sour and spicy smell, sometimes compared to that of urine or smell of decaying material.

It is also better to avoid planting a ginkgo, an Asian tree that attracts the eye with its elegant leaves and its majestic look – its foliage takes on a yellow color in the fall that shines with the reflections of the sun. Nevertheless, its fruits release a foul odor with rancid butter when they decompose on the ground, in autumn. A district of Rouen, which houses about twenty, is particularly known to feel vomit because of that …

Another misleading plant: the fetid Hellebore – here again, its name is a good clue -, which is distinguished by its lovely green flowers in bells, but gives off a suffocating scent when it is crumpled. Same thing for the spotted arum, including marbled leaves, calyx -shaped flowers and orange berries frequently attract looks. In order to attract pollinating insects, it gives off the scent of decaying meat, urine and excrement, according to everyone’s appreciations. It is therefore better to think about it twice before planting it in your garden!
