‘If you look at the pictures…’

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

Henrik Larsson was not only known for his goalscoring.
He was also strongly associated with his hairstyle.
So why did he actually choose to fuck it?

During the late 90s and early 00s, Henrik Larsson was one of the world’s absolute best strikers. He is still considered one of Celtic’s greatest players of all time, and with 175 goals in 221 league games, it’s easy to see why.

That’s why he cut his hair

In 2001, Henrik Larsson also won the Golden Boot, the award for the season’s top scorer in the European leagues, and he also scored goals in the national team. Henrik Larsson was known for his game sense and ability to always be in the right place. But he was also known for his dreadlocks, which he had from his breakthrough in the early 90s until he turned 30. So why did he choose to cut his hair?

– I was about to turn 30 and thought that now is the time. I had been like that for quite a few years, sitting at the junction outside Celtic Park, and left was home, right was to the frieze. I sat there and had no cars behind me, so I just went to the hairdresser, Henke revealed in the Viasat program Mellan Raderna a few years ago.

000727 Football, Scottish League, Celtic – Glasgow: Henrik Larsson, Celtic (Jubel) © Bildbyrån

Henrik Larsson says, however, that the decision did not come like a bolt from the blue.

– It is clear that I had thought about it. If you look at the pictures from the beginning, when it was really wild, it was trimmed a little here and there. Clearly, it was a process. It wasn’t a decision made overnight, he says.

“Obviously it’s mental”

However, Henrik Larsson was worried that it would affect him in the game. It is easy that there will be a lot of talk among supporters if the goal production suddenly stops after such a change. But fortunately that was not the case.

– It is clear that it is a bit mental. After I had a haircut, and in the game after, I scored straight away. It is clear that otherwise it would have turned out that the strength is in the hair otherwise. That was nice.

001001 Football, Scottish League, Aberdeen – Celtic: The strength was not in the hair. Henrik Larsson celebrates © Bildbyrån

Henrik Larsson also believes that there were pros and cons to the long hair.

– When I had hair, you could get pulled sometimes, that you ended up backwards. But at the same time… When I was up and nodding, the opponents could get the braids here and there…

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