Now is the time to sell your car: it risks losing its value.
In France, most motorists will agree that there are currently a large number of rules governing the circulation of cars on the roads. As a result, some people feel overwhelmed or are simply no longer aware of what is in force or not. This is the case with a regulation that was put in place in 2017 and which concerns all road vehicles (two-wheelers, three-wheelers, quadricycles, cars, utility vehicles, heavy goods vehicles and buses). Indeed, in order to reduce CO² emissions in the territory to improve air quality, local authorities now have the possibility of taking action by banning the most harmful vehicles from circulating in certain urban areas.
These are the Low Emission Mobility Zones (ZFE or ZFE-m). These ZFE are mainly set up in urban areas where air pollution exceeds quality standards. In these zones, only cars that meet certain environmental criteria can drive. These criteria are determined based on the Crit’Air stickers, which classify vehicles according to their level of pollutant emissions (to be checked on the website In total, there are six categories of certificates and all are mandatory to be able to drive in said zones. These stickers must also be displayed clearly on the windshield.
But what does this mean for owners? If your vehicle is considered highly polluting (unclassified vehicles, Crit’Air 5 vehicles, Crit’Air 4 and 3 in certain cities only for now), you can no longer drive anywhere you want. These traffic restrictions apply in Paris and Greater Paris, but also in Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, Nice, Montpellier, Grenoble, Reims, Strasbourg, Royen and Saint-Etienne.
This is why it is in your best interest to sell your vehicle quickly if you often travel by car in these cities, and to choose a less polluting model next time. At present, Crit’Air 5 and 4 cars have already lost a lot of their value. Since January 1, 2021, their circulation has been restricted in the Greater Paris Metropolis. If yours is Crit’Air 3, consider selling it without delay, because from January 1, 2025 it will no longer be authorized in certain urban areas. “who regularly exceed regulatory thresholds”, can be read on the Public Service website. In total, 42 municipalities are concerned, including Paris and Lyon. Before you start, check the measures taken in your cities, which sometimes differ depending on the certificate category.