If you have a constant headache, be careful! Expert warns: If you have these symptoms, see a doctor immediately.

If you have a constant headache be careful Expert warns

A critical warning was issued for those who complain of headaches that do not go away for days. Brain and Nerve Surgery (Neurosurgery) Specialist Op. Dr. Mehmet Feryat Demirhan stated that brain tumors may arise from the brain’s own tissue or may develop through metastasis due to cancers seen in other organs.


“Primary brain tumor: They are divided into benign brain tumor (meningioma, schwanoma, dermoid epidermoid cysts) and malignant brain tumor (glial tumors, anaplastic and glioblastoma multiforme).” The expert continued his explanation as follows:

“Benign brain tumors are tumors from the brain membranes (meningioma) or nerves in the brain (schwanoma), congenital residual tumors (dermoid, epidermoid cyst) and the results of surgical treatment of these tumors are excellent. Malignant brain tumors, on the other hand, are abnormal or rapidly growing brain tumors. As they grow, they spread into healthy brain cells.

Although the treatment results of these tumors vary depending on the location of the tumor, its extent, and accompanying risk factors, life expectancy is extended. Secondary brain tumor: These tumors, called metastases, are cancers that spread to the brain from other organs of the body.


The expert emphasized that dizziness, speech, hearing and vision disorders, including severe headache, may be signs of a brain tumor.



Demirhan made the following statements in his statement regarding the issue:

“Brain tumors show symptoms depending on the region they are located in and the brain area they put under pressure. They grow inside the skull, put pressure on the brain and cause symptoms by increasing intracranial pressure.

The most common symptoms of brain tumors are; “seizures, headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, weakness in arms and legs, personality disorders, dementia-like complaints, speech and vision disorders and unsteadiness in walking.”



The expert said that early diagnosis is important in this disease, as in all diseases, and made the following warning:

“For a definitive diagnosis, it can be determined whether the suspected lesion in the brain is a tumor through examination, radiological imaging, especially imaging methods such as Magnetic Resonance (MRI) and Computed Tomography (CT). Once determined, thanks to the high technology and increasing experience used in brain surgery during the treatment process, brain tumor surgeries are no longer performed.” can be done more safely.

As a general rule, surgery is the gold standard method for all benign tumors, depending on the location of the tumor. However, depending on the type of tumor, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are additional treatment methods applied after surgery in malignant tumors. This treatment is applied to kill tumor cells or suppress their growth.

Very rarely, radiation therapy can be applied to patients who cannot be operated on depending on the location of the tumor. The application scheme of radiotherapy varies depending on the type and diameter of the tumor, the age of the patient and neurological findings. “It is important to protect the intact brain tissue around the tumor while radiotherapy is applied.”
