If you are used to smiling, frowning or pouting, you have a clear advantage in your social relationships. This is that a new scientific study on non -verbal communication proves.
Everyone has heard of “poker facing”, this famous impassive face very popular with poker players who want to let anything guess of their game, their emotions and their intentions to their opponents to win the game. However, in everyday life, this inexpressive mask can be transformed into a real handicap, especially in social interactions, where facial expressions play a crucial role.
A recent study conducted by three researchers from the Nottingham Trent University in the United Kingdom as well as an expressive face is a clear advantage in human relations. People whose faces reflect their emotions are deemed more sympathetic and more “readable” by their interlocutors. By analyzing the facial behavior of several hundred participants during conversations and video calls, researchers have concluded that expressive faces promote better social perception. Whether through a smile, a frown or a pout, these non -verbal signals make it possible to transmit important information without having to say a word.
This study highlights the importance of non -verbal communication in human relationships. Study participants who demonstrated facial expressiveness were systematically perceived as more friendly, regardless of the emotion expressed. Even without a smile, an expressive face was deemed more favorably than that of an impassive person. For what ? Because the transparency of emotions makes communication more fluid and more sincere, thus facilitating interpersonal relationships.
The importance of facial expressiveness dates back to the very evolution of the human species. For millennia, our ancestors had to train social groups to face external threats. Communicating quickly and effectively with those around him was essential and even vital. This need favored the emergence of a large palette of facial expressions, making humans the most expressive species of the animal kingdom. Even today, in a much less hostile world, this ability remains crucial to establish harmonious relationships
Joy, pleasure, surprise, complicity, attention, annoyance, dissatisfaction, anxiety, fear, anger … The palette of human expressions is extremely wide, enrich our daily exchanges. On average, a person performs more than 100 facial movements per minute during a social interaction. These gestures, whether subtle or marked, influence the perception that others have of us.
Facial expressiveness is often associated with personality traits such as extraversion or neuroticism, which accentuate the importance of social interactions. Expressive people, whether sociable or concerned about their image, create stronger links with those around them by not hiding their emotions, but by sharing them openly.
Thus, whether they are aware or not, your facial expressions spend a lot about you. In a world where communication is essential, an expressive face allows you to attract sympathy and understanding. So, rather than hiding your emotions, let them show: they constitute a precious asset in your social relationships.