If Ukrainian soldiers surrender in Mariupol, their lives will be saved – three key news from the evening and night

If Ukrainian soldiers surrender in Mariupol their lives will be

A spokesman for Russia’s defense ministry claimed yesterday that the urban areas of Mariupol had been almost completely emptied of troops fighting for Ukraine.

We gathered the key news from last night and last night in connection with the war in Ukraine.

Russia gave Ukrainian soldiers a time limit to surrender in Mariupol

Russia said the night before Saturday that if Ukrainian soldiers fighting in Mariupol surrender and lay down their arms, their lives will be saved. According to Russian state media Tass.

According to Russia, the deadline for surrender is 6 a.m.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi said on Saturday that the “elimination” of the last Ukrainian troops left in the besieged port of Mariupol would end talks with Russia.

“The elimination of our men (in Mariupol) will end all negotiations between Ukraine and Russia,” Zelenskyi said in an interview with Ukrainska Pravda, according to AFP.

A spokesman for Russia’s defense ministry claimed yesterday that the urban areas of Mariupol had been almost completely emptied of troops fighting for Ukraine.

According to Tassi, the Russian major general says that there would no longer be Ukrainian fighters at the Azovstal metal plant, which in turn would be besieged by Russia. According to him, a maximum of 2,500 people are seeking protection from the factory.

Russia released a video alleging the appearance of a sunken Moscow crew

Russia’s defense ministry has released a 30-second video alleging the appearance of crew members rescued from Moscow, which crashed earlier this week. The alleged members of the crew of the flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet met with the commander of the Russian Navy on video.

According to AFP, Russia has claimed all crew members have been rescued in the past. According to the BBC, no evidence has been provided before that the Moscow crew survived.

The naval commander is said to have recently said that the crew would “continue their service”.

CNN: Heavier military equipment promised by the US has begun to arrive in Ukraine

President of the United States Joe Biden said the U.S. would provide $ 800 million in additional military aid to Ukraine in the wake of Russia’s war of aggression earlier this week. The latest aid package includes helicopters, armored vehicles and weapons, as well as ammunition. Biden said the package includes highly efficient weapon systems as well as equipment.

The aid package promised this week is the first time the United States has agreed to send Ukraine heavier military equipment that Biden administration officials feared will lead to an escalation in the past.
