"If Trump becomes the next president of the United States…" : our readers react to the news

In politics lying will pay more and more by Gerald

From Munich to Ukraine

Dagmar Coward, La Tour-du-Crieu (Ariège)

A parallel has been drawn between the Munich agreements of 1938 and the situation in Ukraine in 2024. In my opinion, if we are ready to defend our freedom – and this will not happen without sacrifice – we must say it convincingly to a potential aggressor. And if it takes courage to do it, it proves the dangerousness of the situation. (Marie Mendras: “Putin has the irrepressible desire for a war without limits“, L’Express of March 14.)

Well done, Denis Jeambar!

Gilles Bonin, Gleize (Rhône)

Finally a realistic article on the current situation! Indeed, our politicians lull us to sleep with futile debates while the world turns upside down at our borders and even within our country. Well done, Denis Jeambar! (Wake up ! You have to know how to fight, but also win peace, by Denis JeambarL’Express of March 7.)

Kaliningrad, a bargaining chip?

Pierre David, Le Tourne (Gironde)

Perhaps we lack aggression in response to the invasion of Ukraine. Putin would really be punished if he lost territories. As such, Europe’s claim to the anachronistic and aberrant enclave of Kaliningrad would be likely to give him pause. Europe has arguments to claim this isolated enclave located between Poland and Lithuania because it represents a real danger, especially since its militarization and nuclearization. Perhaps we could give in to Putin, in exchange for some territories in eastern Ukraine. He could thus keep face. (Crimea, an exposed rear baseL’Express of March 21.)

If Trump, unfortunately…

Jean-Louis Coquillon, Vitré (Ille-et-Vilaine)

If Trump, unfortunately, becomes the next president of the United States, Emmanuel Macron’s lonesome regarding the intervention of Western troops in Ukraine will be dangerous. Indeed, neither France nor the European Union immediately have the material and human means to fight Russia on Ukrainian soil. In short, hold him back or he will cause misfortune! (Kaja Kallas: “Emmanuel Macron’s strategic ambiguity on Ukraine is a good thing”on Lexpress.fr)

Macron too cowardly against Hamas

Julien Alessi, Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône)

It is very rare that I praise Germany. It must, however, be recognized that, towards Hamas, the attitude of the German government is much more dignified, or let’s say much less undignified, than that of the French government. Since October 7, the firmness of Berlin contrasts with the cowardice of the Elysée which, for basely electoral reasons, seeks to attract the votes of the Islamists and their Melenchonist allies. (Gilles Kepel: “Hamas achieved an even greater victory than 9/11“, L’Express of March 21.)

Towards senior quotas?

Bertrand Barthel, Chaville (Hauts-de-Seine)

Quotas relating to the presence of women in company management bodies have been established for years. However, this “cultural revolution” is still incomplete. It will therefore take more than senior quotas to quickly boost the employment rate of older people. (Women: quotas are not enough, by Eric Chol, L’Express of March 7.)

The L’Express Science and Health Personality Awards

On March 21, L’Express organized a prestigious event: the Science and Health Personality Awards. In front of an audience of 130 distinguished guests, the Prevention Prize was presented by Natasha Tardif of the Reed Smith law firm to oncologist Suzette Delaloge. Hematologist Marina Cavazzana and Karine Rossignol, from the Imagine Institute, received the Research Prize, presented by physicist Etienne Klein. The Scientific Truth Prize was awarded by Pierre de Bremond d’Ars, president of the No Fakemed collective, to epidemiologist Dominique Costagliola. Finally, the Grand Prize, presented by actor Thierry Lhermitte, rewarded neuroscientist Grégoire Courtine and surgeon Jocelyne Bloch. A thematic notebook in the center of this issue is dedicated to them.
