If the person in front of you says these sentences, it’s because they don’t like you very much.

If the person in front of you says these sentences

Certain seemingly innocuous phrases in a conversation say a lot about what your interlocutor thinks of you.

You can’t please everyone. That being said, it is better to know whether the person in front of you, with whom you are interacting, likes you or not. Certain sentences can be very revealing of your interlocutor’s true thoughts towards you. So pay close attention to them and if they are too recurrent in your conversations, distance yourself and don’t spend energy on her. Here are the 5 warning sign phrases.

1-“I’m just being honest”. If, at first glance, honesty appears to be a quality, this statement is more of a red flag. It is, in fact, sometimes misused and becomes a pretext for issuing abusive criticism or making hurtful remarks. Speaking “in the name of honesty” does not justify everything. So watch the tone and the context in which this sentence is used, it may secretly be synonymous with contempt towards you. It can also be turned into “no offense…”. This sounds like a polite preamble to saying something negative. According to a study of sociology, someone who is too polite is often not sincere.

2-“I don’t have time for that”. This phrase is often used not for a real lack of time, but for an absence of desire to respond, listen or help. This may signal that the person does not attach any importance to what you say. Hearing this phrase repeatedly may even indicate that the person doesn’t care about you. The same goes if when you share your concerns, she says “that’s not my problem.”

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3-“If I were you”. This sentence can sound like advice or even deep empathy. However, it can also suggest a form of arrogance, with your interlocutor believing that their thinking is better than yours. He thus ignores your individuality, your experience and is convinced that his approach is better. Using this expression often can be a sign that this person does not hold you in their heart because they do not really care about your feelings.

4-“As you wish”. Depending on the tone, this expression can symbolize indifference or annoyance. It allows you to quickly end a conversation. It sometimes means that the person no longer attaches enough importance to your words to discuss at greater length, thus brushing the subject aside. It’s a subtle way of disengaging, without saying what you’re thinking.

5-“You are too sensitive/susceptible”. Easy, with this little barb, to put the blame on you and reject your reactions. It pushes you to question your emotions. It also distracts attention from the behavior or words of the person in front of you. Suddenly, you are the one at fault. If this phrase is too recurring, this person probably doesn’t care much about you.
