If the Italian glacier looks like this, you should go your way

If the Italian glacier looks like this you should go

How to identify a real Italian ice cream parlor that will offer you tasty ice creams and not bombs of sugar and dyes? Some clues are not misleading.

Are you a fan of Italian ice cream, the real “gelatos”? You may have already fallen into a tourist trap. Ciara Walsh, an Irish influencer residing in Italy, warns travelers against accidentally buying non-authentic gelatos. She adds: If you see a mountain of gelato in the window, it’s probably not a real Italian delight. Walsh mentions that a “real” Italian ice cream parlor does not present its product in large quantities or with bright colors. His video has already been viewed twelve million times.

Mountains of ice: the sign of a tourist scam?

The influencer explains that these brightly colored mountains of ice are filled with dyes and preservatives. In a second video, she also shows how to recognize a good gelato: the ice creams are kept in closed containers, so you can hardly see them.

However, under his videos, critics are heard. One person comments, “I had a gelato from a gelateria that featured this mountain of ice cream – it was the best I’ve ever had.” Another user adds, “There are gelaterias that don’t hide the gelato and it’s just as good.”

The opinion of a master glacier on the theory

But what makes a gelato authentic? Italian Jimmy Begaj, owner of Gelateria Rosso Arancia, who attended ice cream school in Italy, said: “Those huge tubs of ice cream are just shows for tourists.” Real homemade ice cream has a creamy texture, but not a lot of sugar. And its colors are very much related to the main ingredient. There are many sauces, but no toppings.

It also explains how to tell real Italian gelato from fake. It confirms the theory of the Tiktokeuse: we recognize the “false” glacier by its huge pots. “They actually contain a lot of unhealthy ingredients.”

Bright colors: avoid

The Italian adds: “Too bright colors are full of synthetic dyes.” They actually shouldn’t have been used for years and have been replaced by natural dyes. Another prohibition: “Too many toppings, because of the excess of sugar.”

And how should the showcase ideally look? “Clean and tidy – no mess.” You should also see “soft and harmonious colors” there. These are usually pastel shades in authentic gelaterias.
