If scabies invade your home, it’s time for rigorous measures: ‘Everything was in plastic bags’

If scabies invade your home its time for rigorous measures

The GGD region of Utrecht sees an enormous increase in scabies. This parasite digs tunnels in the skin and that causes enormous itching. “Since 2014, we have seen the number of cases of scabies or scabies slowly increase, and quite considerably in the past two years,” says nurse Wendy van der Meule. Young people between the ages of 15 and 24 are particularly often affected. This does not only apply to Utrecht, but also in other student cities and in neighboring countries. It is not known how this happened.

Student houses are a popular victim, acknowledges Van der Meule. “Scabies is transmitted from skin-to-skin contact, wearing each other’s clothes and sleeping in each other’s bed. This more often plays a role if you live with many people. In that case, the treatment can also be very complex, so you it constantly gets back from each other.”
