“If my children are persecuted, it is to get to me,” denounces former minister Djibrill Bassolé

If my children are persecuted it is to get to

Djibrill Bassolé, former head of diplomacy under Blaise Compaoré, denounces the fact of attacking his family. His former aide-de-camp and his eldest son were recently taken to an unknown destination by unidentified individuals, according to relatives. My wife and I are going through terrible times, knowing that our children are being put in danger of death like this, simply because I wanted to speak out about the security situation in my country and the sub-region. “, the general protests.

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At Burkina Fasorelatives of Djibrill Bassolé were kidnapped in recent days in OuagaOn September 11 and 13, the former aide-de-camp and the eldest son of the former Minister of Foreign Affairs under Blaise Compaoré (1987-2014) were taken to an unknown destination by unidentified individuals, according to relatives.

The homes of General Djibrill Bassolé’s children were visited and searched. Phones and computers were seized. On September 15, armed men were waiting at the clinic where the former minister’s daughter is being held.

Our children are just joining the list of hundreds of Burkinabe victims of atrocities »

Djibrill Bassolé, now in exile, denounces on the microphone of Magali Lagrange these methods and the fact of attacking his family: ” It is against me personally. Because my children have never been involved in politics, they are not involved in political affairs. If they are persecuted today, it is for me, it is to affect me, it is to destabilize me, it is to hurt me. My wife and I are going through terrible times, knowing that our children are being put in danger of death like that, simply because I wanted to speak out about the security situation in my country and the sub-region. »

The former head of Burkinabe diplomacy continues: “ These are methods that we denounce with the greatest energy. But the list of our children only joins the long list of hundreds of Burkinabe who are victims of exactions, repression and who live in hell today. »

Also readBurkina Faso: Relief for Djibril Bassolé’s relatives after his arrival in Paris

A pillar of Blaise Compaoré’s regime, Djibrill Bassolé was first Minister of Security and then Minister of Foreign Affairs of Burkina Faso. In 2019, he was sentenced to ten years in prison for his alleged role in a failed coup attempt in 2015, charges he denies and a conviction he has appealed. In early 2020, he was allowed to come to France for treatment and has not returned to his country since, which has experienced two coups in recent years.
