If it lasts longer than three months, beware! Why is there pain in the body? Which doctor should I go to for pain?

If it lasts longer than three months beware Why is

Pain is actually a warning system. Pain is of 3 types. These; Somatic, visceral and neuropathic. In all three types, pain can be acute or chronic. Acute pain is pain that lasts for a short time and is usually easily describable and observable. Chronic pain is pain that lasts more than 3 months. These types of pain can be felt at the same time or alone at different times.


Low back and neck hernias, facet joint pain due to calcification of the waist and neck joints, and sacroiliac joint pathologies constitute the majority of patients who applied to the neurosurgery outpatient clinic due to pain.

Radiofrequency therapy is used safely today in back and neck hernias that do not require surgery after examinations and tests, and in pain due to thickening and calcification in the joints that connect the upper and lower vertebrae, which we call facet joints.

Brain Nerve and Spinal Cord Surgery Specialist Op. Dr. Mustafa Örnek talked about the effects of radiofrequency method in pain treatment. There are two types of this method, which has been used in the treatment of pain for a long time. In the traditional radiofrequency method, nerve degeneration was performed with the effect of heat at temperatures such as 60-80 degrees by giving a continuous current to the tissues. In the pulsed method used, it is aimed to treat pain without causing damage to the nerves and surrounding tissues by giving a lower temperature intermittently. It is the intermittent radiofrequency method that we use in the method that is now accepted.



Radiofrequency method has several advantages over open surgery. Radiofrequency applied patients can return to their daily lives within a few hours on average. In addition, complications such as bleeding, infection and nerve damage are almost non-existent in this method.
