If it has been going on for a long time, consult a specialist! What you need to do to get rid of the cough

If it has been going on for a long time

Cough is a human reflex. It ensures that the toxins we breathe are quickly removed from the body. Although occasional coughs are considered normal, prolonged coughs can be uncomfortable. exp. Dr. Ayhan Değer made suggestions about the methods they can do at home to citizens who have problems with coughing. Dr. Ayhan Değer stated that cough is mostly a reaction of the upper and lower respiratory tracts against dust, allergies, sputum or microbes. Pointing out that problems can also occur, he listed the most common causes as follows:
“Upper and lower respiratory tract infections (sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.), smoking, post-nasal drip, allergy, polluted air, use of certain drugs, reflux disease.”


exp. Dr. Value emphasized the importance of the duration of cough and said, “Coughs; If mucus comes out after coughing, it is divided into two as sputum and dry cough if it does not. Also, the duration of cough is important. According to this situation, coughs that last less than 3 weeks are defined as acute, and coughs that last longer are defined as chronic cough. In dry coughs, a healthcare provider should be consulted without wasting any more time. In acute coughs, if the frequency and severity of the cough is increasing gradually, if the coughing mucus is yellow-green and / or bloody, if there is high fever, extreme weakness, shortness of breath, wheezing, hoarseness, it impairs the quality of life of the person, that is, he cannot sleep or feed anymore. or if he cannot speak, an expert should be helped immediately.”


Pointing out that cough can cause headache or nausea, as well as lead to insomnia when it occurs at night, Değer said, “People with excessive cough may develop chest pain. Anger or depression may occur due to persistent coughing. It can cause asociality. It can complicate the mundane things we do in our daily life, such as eating and drinking. It can cause rib fractures, urinary incontinence and fainting, especially in elderly patients. It can reduce the energy needed in daily life. In case of persistent cough, the department of otolaryngology and chest diseases should be consulted.


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Value, who gives advice on practices that are good for cough, said, “It is important to find and eliminate the cause of cough. But some of the things that we can apply ourselves until we go to the doctor are; If there are any factors that can cause coughing in the environment (cigarette smoke, allergen, air freshener, perfume, etc.), it is necessary to stay away from them. Lozenges and mouthwash can be used for coughs originating from the throat, especially for dry ones. Shower is available. The steam of hot water placed in a container can be inhaled. Thus, sore throat and cough can be reduced. Cold drinks and foods should be avoided. Plenty of fluids should be consumed. Sage, linden, echinacea, quince, honey, linden mixtures, ginger, honey, clove mixtures, green tea can be consumed.


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exp. Dr. Value explained what needs to be done if the cough is not relieved by these home practices or if it progresses:
“If there is blood in the sputum that comes out next to the cough, if there is wheezing, if the fever is high, especially if there is bruising in children, if the patient cannot feed, it is necessary to apply to the hospital. As a result of examinations and tests, the cause is found and the treatment is started. If there is respiratory failure, especially children with high fever, who cannot be fed, should be hospitalized and treated. Adults can be given cough suppressants in cases that impair quality of life, eating, speaking, and sleeping. However, it is inconvenient to give cough suppressants in coughs with sputum. In these patients, drugs that soften the sputum so that it can be easily expelled are preferred.
