If Finland and Sweden are not accepted into NATO quickly, we will offer a victory to Russia

If Finland and Sweden are not accepted into NATO quickly

In recent months, Lithuania has made headlines with its foreign policy, which has been considered exceptionally straightforward and bold as a small country.

Finland and Sweden stuck in NATO membership talks would be a victory for Russia, says Lithuanian Foreign Minister Gabriel Landsbergis In a telephone interview with STT.

He points out that it would be pleasing for Russia to prolong the approval of applications.

However, he says he believes that the ongoing dispute with Turkey over Finland’s and Sweden’s NATO membership can be resolved.

– It’s about NATO’s credibility. If the applications were not accepted or the negotiations took a really long time, it would be a victory for Russia. I believe that it is in the interests of all NATO countries that this is moving forward quickly.

Landsbergis opens the principles of Lithuanian foreign policy. According to him, the country’s foreign policy can be summarized as follows: authoritarian states are a risk all over the world, not just in the immediate neighborhood.

– That is why relations with democratic states must be built around the world, he says.

At the same time, the country has actively sought to warn its eastern neighbors about the risks of Russia and Belarus.

– In our opinion, this is a realistic and forward-looking way to assess the threats of today’s world.

The matter has also been recorded as part of the government’s objectives. According to them, Lithuania pursues a values-based foreign policy and seeks to promote freedom and democracy.

In this context, Lithuania has, for example, intensified its relations with Taiwan in recent years and played a strong role in supporting the Belarusian opposition. Lithuania has long pursued a tighter policy with Russia with the other Baltic countries. Lithuania has also sought to get rid of Russian energy.

“We will see Russia as a threat even if power in the country changes”

Lithuania is the first country in the world to declare Russia a terrorist state. As a result, a representative of the Russian Duma Yevgeny Federov presented a bill to the Duma in early June calling for the “withdrawal” of Lithuanian independence.

Landsbergis says he does not consider the declaration to be particularly threatening, but on a larger scale, Russia is a threat to Lithuania.

– Every country that has a border with Russia should be concerned. Russia is a dangerous, unpredictable state. That is why we joined NATO, which is why we have now asked NATO to increase its military presence in its eastern members.

In Landsbergis’ view, Russia should not be part of any security architecture in the future. According to him, Russia has violated all norms and rules.

– Even after the war is over and power in the country has changed, we will see Russia as a dangerous country.

According to Lithuania, it is now extremely important to help Ukraine win the war.

– It must not just be a partial “we do what we can” commitment, but a practical, global agreement on how we can help Ukraine win.

– The war is not just about Ukraine, but against the whole rule-based world order. If Russia wins the war, the world will become a very dangerous place for us.

According to Landsbergis, the EU will have to rebuild relations with Russia, in which case Lithuania and other eastern member states will play a key role.

You can discuss the topic on 22.6. until 11 p.m.
