IEG, Vicenzaoro September: + 20% foreign visits over 2019

IEG Vicenzaoro September 20 foreign visits over 2019

(Finance) – Vicenzaoro September, the international gold and jewelery fair of Italian Exhibition Group, closes the 2022 edition by recovering and surpassing the results of the pre-pandemic: + 10% overall visits compared to 2019, with the explosion from abroad that grows by 20%. Over half of the total attendance – IEG says in a note – is international (51%), from 124 countries around the world. To date, total media contacts have reached 92 million gross, of which 29 million reached by the foreign press. Over 20 million views (impressions) on Vicenzaoro’s social channels during the event, while the views by professional operators of exhibitor profiles on The Jewelery Golden Cloud B2B platform exceed 125 thousand.

In detail the foreign origins they see Europe as the most represented with Spain (7.3%), France (5.5%) and Germany (5.1%) in the lead. Among non-European countries, the United States ranks first (5.7% of the total visitation). Turkey also did well (3.3%) and for the Middle East in particular Israel (2.5%) and UAE (2.3%). India (1.9%) and Latin America are also returning with Mexico, Colombia (both at 1%) and Brazil (0.7%).

Numbers that – underlines IEG – make market players breathe optimism, with over a thousand brands exhibiting at the fair in Vicenzaand confirm the liveliness ofItalian export, up by + 36.5% between January and May 2022, in the photograph that Federorafi presented at Vicenzaoro with the elaborations of the Confindustria Moda Study Center on ISTAT data: the United States in first position with + 24.9% compared to the same period of 2021 (+115 million euros, in absolute value), followed by Switzerland + 31.4% and the + 23.3% of the United Arab Emirates.

Vicenzaoro September it has also confirmed itself as an international reference point for the presence of the entire institutional and associative world, from Confindustria Federorafi, Confartigianato Goldsmiths, Confcommercio Federpreziosi, CNA Orafi, Confimi Industria Goldsmith and Argentiera category in Assogemme, Assocoral and AFEMO – Association of Manufacturers Exporters of Machinery for Goldsmiths, CIBJO – World Confederation of Jewelery, MAECI and ICE, and key figures in the global industry such as Cyrille Vigneron, president and CEO of Cartier, or Guido Grassi Damiani, president of the Damiani group.

Success also ripe for it spin-off VO Vintage, dedicated to fine vintage watchmaking and jewelery, which has seen a growing B2C influx of Italian and international enthusiasts and collectors. Market and salon where the culture of value has been made, which watches and jewels represent as forms of investment, thanks to the panels of key figures such as Ugo Pancani of FHH – Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie.

Vicenzaoro January gives an appointment to the community from 20 to 24 January 2023.
