IEG, Ecomondo and Key Energy 2022 close: + 41% in attendance over 2021

IEG Ecomondo and Key Energy 2022 close 41 in

(Finance) – Ecomondo And Key Energy from Italian Exhibition Group closed their doors today in Neighborhood fair Rimini with a + 41% total attendance compared to 2021 (and a +15 on the record edition of 2019), also marking the doubling of foreign attendances (from 90 countries) thanks to the internationalization policy launched by IEG in recent years and that attracts new and numerous world visitors to Rimini in the name of excellence, both qualitative and numerical.

From two demonstrationswhich as of today have obtained a coverage media which is close to 550 million gross contacts between Italy and abroad, the green trajectory of the future of our country’s economy emerges strong and clear. This is confirmed by the research dedicated to the “New challenge of the ecological transition for Italian companies” presented at the 11th edition of the States General of the Green Economy, promoted by National Council of the Green Economyat the opening of Ecomondo, and the study “Disruptive energy scenarios for Italy” for the renewable energy supply chains, at the opening of Key Energy.

Ecomondo and Key Energy represent a real “system“, One communitywhich owes its uniqueness to the virtuous intertwining between the business of the exhibition part, the institutional relations at the highest level, from the European Commission through the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, to the Foundation for Sustainable Development and the Consortia supply chain, and a very rich and articulated conference calendar that offers a visitors and exhibitors the compass for orienting themselves in the changes taking place and a constant stimulus for public decision-makers to continue along the path of sustainability.

With 86% of Italian companies judging the level of attention for transition ecological and with the 24 billion euros of estimated benefits for consumers between now and 2030 in the wake of the development of renewables, the Italian economy will turn green in the near future.

Hundreds of them stories of innovation brought to the Rimini Fair by start-ups and exhibiting companies. While on the side of the global action of the two salons, there are 80 international associations operating in the green economy with which the salons have entered into collaboration agreements; constant commitment to promoting “blue growth” in the Mediterranean area with case histories of international cooperation projects for the protection of the marine ecosystem and the fight against climate change in the area; finally, with the Africa Green Growth project, the energy autonomy of African countries enters the social sustainability agenda.

The state of the art of the market, as testified by i 1,400 exhibitor brandsi present on 130 thousand square meters in this 25th edition of Ecomondo and 15th of Key Energy that collect the best of made in Italy and international technologies for the pillars of the green economy: circular bio-economy, management and enhancement of waste and wastewater, regeneration of soils and seas and sustainable blue growth and hydrogeological risk, together with solutions and technologies in the solar sector, photovoltaic and storage systems, wind on shore and off shore, energy efficiency in industry and buildings, and a focus on sustainable cities and electric mobility.

Supply chains which they attracted to the Rimini Fair 600 foreign buyers thanks to the synergy with the ICE Agency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and which generated 2537 business matching on the digital platform. While the views by professional operators of exhibitor profiles on the GreenTechInsights B2B platform exceed 270 thousand views.

160 institutional events edited by the two scientific committees of Ecomondo and Key Energy respectively chaired by Fabio Fava of the University of Bologna and Gianni Silvestrini director of the Kyoto Club Italia.

“At the beginning, Ecomondo had 3 thousand square meters of exhibition space – declared the Minister of the Environment and Energy Security in his speech today at the fair in Rimini. Gilberto Pichetto Fratin -. After 25 years this number has multiplied by 40 to 130,000. Numbers that give an idea of ​​the opportunities to be seized both for the future and for the technologies that allow us to look at a different energy production “.

Ecomondo will return to Rimini from 7 to 10 November 2023, preceded, from 22 to 24 March 2023, by the first edition of K.EY The Renewable Energy Expo (the spin off from Ecomondo of KEY ENERGY which becomes autonomous, doubling its space) .
