ICE, Zoppas: “exports to Germany grew in April for the first time in a year, but caution”

ICE Zoppas 2024 marked by caution on the part of

(Finance) – “Exchanges with the Germany in April 2024 they turned into positive territory after a year of uninterrupted decline (+3.8%), a good signal which we hope will also be confirmed in the coming months. Sales to Turkey (+70.6%) and the United Kingdom (+42.3%) were also good. Positive i pharmaceuticals (+50.7%), bad automotive (-15.6%)”. Thus commented the President of ICE Agency, Matteo Zoppas, regarding the April 2024 export data released today by Istat.

“The growth in April of exports of +2.3% compared to March 2024 and +10.7% compared to April one year ago (it was -5.6% in April 2023 compared to April 2022) represents good news which, however, must be seen in relation to the stationary trend in sales abroad in period January-April 2024 (+0.3%). While on the one hand there is a record of stability and further confirmation of the value attributed to the Made in Italy on the part of our customers, on the other hand there are no signs of a stable and lasting recovery in foreign demand so we need to be cautious regarding the perspectives future“, he added.

“For the first time, after over a year, the Germany with +3.8% of purchases compared to April 2023 following, however, a contraction of -16.2% recorded in March 2024 compared to the same month of the previous year. A first positive signal to be monitored in the months to come, given the fluctuations in the economic context which could be affected by the effects of the latest European vote”, underlined Zoppas.

“In April the growth in exports (+2.3% compared to March 2024) occurred mainly towards Non-EU countries which recorded an economic growth of +3.8% and was positively influenced in particular by the maritime sector and sales of non-durable consumer goods (+5.2%)”, he declared.

“Good sector pharmaceutical hey products food And drinks which grow by 50.7% and 19.3% respectively compared to April 2023 while exports of motor vehicles are slowing down by -15.6%. Flows towards all countries are growing, with the exception of Austria (-8%) and Switzerland (-6.5%), with peaks in sales towards Turkey (+70.6%), the United Kingdom (+42, 3%) and the OPEC countries (+18.2%)”, concluded the President of the ICE Agency.
