Ice hockey: Three Kronor was snubbed on a Czech match penalty on Jan Rutta: “Helps us little now”

At a 2-4 deficit in the semi-final against the Czech Republic, Isac Lundeström was brought down by Jan Rutta with an elbow that should have resulted in both a match penalty and suspension, according to SVT’s expert Jonas Andersson.

– These are exactly the kind of tackles that have to be removed from hockey, he said.

Ice Hockey World Cup

  • List: Jonas Andersson names the best Tre Kronor players in the hockey WC

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  • But the referees chose not to penalize the move, and instead of five minutes of Swedish power play, the Czech Republic scored a 5-2 penalty kick shortly thereafter, and then clinched the final spot after a 7-3 victory.

    Karlsson: “It would have been better to take it yesterday”

    Late last night, however, the IIHF announced that Jan Rutta will be suspended from the WC final, which can be seen as confirmation that the referees made a mistake on the ice.

    – It’s nothing we can do anything about now. At the same time, it is sad for him that he does not get to play in the World Cup final when the Czech Republic is the home nation because he is suspended. It might have been better to take it yesterday, as it might have been. But as I said yesterday: We lost 7-3 so there was no talk about it, says Erik Karlsson to SVT Sport.

    Hear Carl Grundström’s and Filip Gustavsson’s reactions to Tre Kronor being snubbed on a Czech match penalty.

    Votes for Tre Kronor’s WC bronze
