Ica’s stark warning to customers: “Don’t click…”

Icas stark warning to customers Dont click

In 2023, hoax text messages and fraud increased significantly. Many people have been affected and received text messages from people pretending to be authorities and companies.

News24 has previously written about when Folksam went out and warned its customers about scam text messages.

READ MORE: Have you received this SMS? Now Folksam warns of the scam

The authorities warn of scam text messages

The Swedish Tax Agency has also come out and warned about scam text messages that are being spread, where fraudsters pretend to be the authority.

According to The security check these texts had several typos and incorrect grammar, which can be a way to recognize a scam text.

READ MORE: Have you received this SMS? Now the Tax Agency is warning about the scam

The ICA store warns of fraud

But fraud can also come in other forums than via SMS, for example in social media. And that is exactly what happened in this case.

An Ica store held a competition and now several contestants have received a message from someone pretending to be the store. Contestants are asked to click on a link in the message.

READ MORE: The ICA store gives away free coffee to all customers

Ica store is now openone out and warns the contestants and apologizes for any confusion that may have arisen.

“ATTENTION!! Right now this message is circulating in the comments section of those who are in our competition. We cannot see these comments but have received the information. Do not click on any link, the winner will be contacted on Sunday via a new post here on Facebook and via a private DM. We apologize for the confusion!!”, the store writes on its Facebook page.


The insurance company’s sharp warning to customers: “Scam”

Father and son defrauded the Swedish Social Insurance Agency of 7.4 million

Here are the scammers’ favorite victims

According to Lotta Mauritzsoncoordinator at the National Fraud Center, the most common victim among fraudsters is a 50-year-old man.

But even pensioners are a victim that fraudsters often fall on.

– The elderly may not be the most exposed, but they are the worst exposed. The consequences are many times greater and it is more difficult to get their money back because they are often manipulated into making a transaction themselves, says Anna Horgbyinvestigator at Brå till GP.

READ MORE: Ica’s stark warning to customers: “We would never”
