ICA’s new commercials are massaged: “Most tasteless I’ve seen”

ICAs new commercials are massaged Most tasteless Ive seen

Earlier this week could News24 Reveal how food giant ICA’s latest commercial Sebastian’s Haul was reported to the Review Board. The commercial rolls on TV4, showing how Ica-Sebastian, which is played by Magnus Skogsberg Tea, Seems to have had a visit.

In ICA’s advertising, it looks like ICA-Sebastian has visited. Image source: YouTube/Icaica’s commercials movie Sebastian’s Haul raises reactions on Facebook

When he is in the process of showing the week’s goods, two undressed men show up in the background. Something that has caused some viewers to react very strongly.

“I can’t do this so now I go completely to Coop,” wrote a person in his notification.

Now the commercial has aroused even more reactions. On ICA’s official Facebook page, damned customers have begun to express their dissatisfaction with the commercial made by the King agency. It is the same agency that has done the ICA commercial since 2001.

Some comments read:

“After your latest commercials, there are probably many tribesmen who leave you for good. Do you have no self -insight whatsoever? You may have to change advertising agency, one of the best tips you will get.”

“Have you changed the advertising agency for your TV advertising? It seems that you have switched down a lot because the advertising is now quite sad.”

“Your commercials are so tasteless nowadays”.

The ICA commercials have aroused reactions. Image source: Youtube/Icaica’s commercials are reported to the Review Board

The notifications have continued to tick in during the week to the Review Board.

“Ica Sebastian makes a so -called Haul on social media. During the live streaming, two half -naked men appear in the background, and in the chat the eggplant emoji, peach and a bear are written. Today these emojis are used to describe a man’s sex organ, a butt and the bear Symbolizes a subculture in LGBTQ, ie the bear movement. Children are well integrated into social media in today’s society, and it is highly inappropriate that a commercial like this is shown during times of the day when children also sit on the TV
Exposed enough as it is, do not understand why Swedish TV is eager to contribute to this, “the notifier writes Anna.

“Ica Advertising” Sebastian’s Haul “. Inappropriate to broadcast during the best broadcast time when families with children look. Ica promotes their goods or a hedonistic lifestyle?”, Writes the signature writes Sebastian in his notification.

“Think it is inappropriate advertising. Why do you treat gay culture as the new normal? Highly inappropriate and offensive advertising, especially the naked that refers to something other than what can be purchased at ICA,” reads the notification from a Nina.

“Have always thought that ICA’s advertising has been fun, ingenious. But now, what do these half -naked men have to do with ICA.” Sebastian “may have what preferences he wants (like everyone else) but this is purely unpalatable. Sharpening ICA! !! ”, writes one Eva.

“ICA’s extra price advertising with half -naked men in the background is the most tasteful advertisement I have seen. Ugh o fy. There is probably nothing to do with food,” thinks Lisbeth.

“The commercial is highly unpalatable. Aims at gay relationships in an advertisement for groceries. There is nothing you want to see in the TV box in this way,” writes Juhani.

ICA’s response: “An open society for all”

Sofia Swärd Is project manager at ICA Sweden’s marketing department. In a comment on News24, she says that ICA is aware that their commercials engage, and that they are pushing the issue of an open society for everyone.

“We are aware that our advertising engages. In this week’s film, ICA makes a wink to how influencers sometimes show things they acted. How we dramatize and create action in the film with the help of ICA-Sebastian and other characters are part of that work and In other films, we do in other ways to strengthen and drive the issue of an open society for everyone, ”Swärd writes.

ICA Commerce “Sebastian’s Haul”
