Ibar and Assaereo contest the measures on the prices of airline tickets

Ibar and Assaereo contest the measures on the prices of

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Ibar and Assaereo contest the measures that are envisaged in the matter of determining the prices of airline tickets. “Regarding the modalities – the two associations write in a joint note – the associations they believe that the conditions for an emergency decree do not exist such as that of the decree-law since, by intervening the provisions of art. 1 on periods of peak demand linked to seasonality or in conjunction with a national state of emergency, the demand peaks relating to the summer season are in fact already exceeded”.

The associations underline the lack “of a quote comparison with the carriers represented by the undersigned associations, which could have returned in-depth information about industry practices and identified less punitive solutions for the sector, which has suffered heavy difficulties in recent years due first to the Covid-19 pandemic and then to the consequences of the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine”.
