Iacovoni (MEF): new BTP Valore will be offered during the year

Iacovoni MEF new BTP Valore will be offered during the

(Finance) – “Definitely new BTP Valores will also be offered during this year“. He stated this David Iacovoni, Head of Public Debt at the MEF, in an interview with GR 1, while the placement of the new instrument dedicated exclusively to retail is underway. The four-year bond is being issued until Friday, barring early closing, and guarantees minimum guaranteed coupons of 3.25% for the first two years and 4% for the next two, with a loyalty bonus of 0.5% for who holds the security until maturity.

“We are witnessing a growing interest from very small investors from the point of view of holding financial resources – said Iacovoni – Individuals with even a modest amount of savings”.

The expert explained that “we are in a phase in which interest rates are much higher even compared to a few months ago and in this context, in addition to the problem of inflation from which we want to protect ourselves, there is also the theme of put their savings into income, which are perhaps kept in a current account without remuneration”.

The BTP Value “is different from the BTP Italia because it does not have a direct inflation protection mechanism, but unlike the BTP Italia it has coupons which are in any case pre-set and which rise over time”.

Today the share of domestic investors in the Italian debt “is very low, very contained and so let’s see margins for a very important increase“, underlined Iacovoni.
