“I wonder if anyone disagrees”

Jonna Hakkarainen 21 who reported her harassment as a coach

Martial arts associations and the rapporteurs of the Disciplinary Committee stated at the beginning of the year that the one-week deadline for reporting violations was too short. The rules can be changed no earlier than the end of the year.

Martial arts have a common will to change the one-week deadline, which is the deadline for reporting violations recorded in disciplinary regulations. The matter is evident from the activities and chairs of the sports federations interviewed by Urheilu.

Helsingin Sanomat said (you will switch to another service) in the second week Jonna Hakkarainen harassment, mental violence, manipulation, control, intimidation and harassment. Hakkarainen filed a disciplinary notice against his former coach, but the Disciplinary Committee failed to investigate some of the events, citing a one-week deadline.

Hakkarainen said the coach had been guilty of the above for a long time, but the Martial Arts Disciplinary Committee only investigated the events of one weekend. No other alleged events had been reported within the one-week deadline.

President of the Judicial Association Esa Niemen according to the federations and the rapporteurs of the disciplinary committee, they stated in their discussions at the beginning of the year that the one-week deadline was far too short. According to the interviewees, the matter was raised even before the Hakkarainen case.

– We have a working group that will promote this in the near future. After that, the intention is to get an amendment to the new disciplinary rules, which will be presented to the governments of martial arts associations. Once approved by all governments and federations, each federation must approve them at its own federation meetings, Executive Director of the Boxing Federation Marko Laine comments.

Chairman of the Board of the Finnish Fencing and Pentathlon Association Joonas Lyytinen for its part, it says that preliminary discussions have already taken place on who is going to work on the rule changes.

– I think that our rules and judges’ team is actively involved in our union. I assume that we also use the expertise of the members of the Disciplinary Committee, for example, Lyytinen says.

Suek’s time limit is five years

Preliminary discussions on the new deadline for reporting infringements have already taken place. Respondents agree that the one-week deadline needs to be extended.

Executive Director of the Taekwondo Association Tatu Iivanainen however, notifications must have some sort of time limit. For example, the Finnish Ethics Research Center for Sport, Suek, has a time limit of five years.

According to Iivanainen, martial arts must think of a reasonable deadline for their activities, as the voluntary committee does not have the same investigative resources as, for example, Suek.

– This story in the public domain has happened several years earlier. In practice, we do not have the means to figure them out correctly. In order to be able to intervene in matters, the time must be short enough, but still long enough so that things are not left unaddressed that I was not brought up quickly enough, Iivanainen says.

– The most important thing is that the matter has been raised, that there is a sensible discussion about it and that a reasonable solution is found so that we can properly investigate such cases, Chairman of the Board of the Aikido Association Antti Vesala closely.

Interviewees believe that martial arts will find common ground on the new rules.

– We have achieved quite a lot when we have had a joint disciplinary committee. We have had different joint environmental programs, and these equality issues are being done quite a lot together. I would wonder if anyone would disagree with that. I think we will find a common perspective, Chairman of the Board of the Karate Federation Kimmo Koski comments.

The Joint Disciplinary Committee for Martial Arts includes the Aikido Federation, the Judo Federation, the Karate Federation, the Fencing and 5-Match Federation, the Boxing Federation and the Taekwondo Federation. interviewed everyone for the story.
