I will not stop

Despite the increased risk of terrorist acts in Sweden as a result of Koran burnings, Salwan Momika, who has been involved in most of them, intends to continue his actions.
– I will not stop burning the Koran. I want to ban it, he says.

When the Security Police announced on Thursday that the terror threat level was raised from three to four on a five-point scale, the Koran burnings were cited as one of the reasons for the deteriorating security situation and the increased threat to Sweden.

But that doesn’t seem to worry Salwan Momika, who has famously burned and desecrated the Koran on several occasions recently.

– I have no responsibility in that, Momika told TT after carrying out yet another demonstration on Friday.

– I follow the fundamental freedom of expression and it allows me to say what I want.

“Kristersson hasn’t read”

TT: The Prime Minister has said that what is legal is not always appropriate. What do you say about that?

– It is the opposite. The Prime Minister has not read the Koran and he does not know what is written there. He can say what he wants, but we can also express ourselves however we want. I can say that the Koran is a dangerous book.

TT asks several questions about the threats against Swedes, against Sweden as a country and the risk of doing Russia’s business, for example, by making NATO membership more difficult.

They all get similar responses from Salwan Momika.

– It is not connected and I have no responsibility for it. I have freedom of speech. The Koran is dangerous and I want to protect Sweden and its population.

The Swedish Migration Agency is investigating Momika

In July, the Migration Agency began an investigation into Momika, who was granted a three-year residence permit in April 2021. On Thursday, he was called to a meeting with the agency, which was held for security reasons at the police station in Stockholm, reports SVT News.

According to SVT’s information, Momika was then asked about pictures from his time in Iraq, where he is said to be posing with weapons in military environments. Momika himself denies that he participated in battles.

– I can confirm that the meeting took place, but what was discussed is nothing I can go into, says Jesper Tengroth, press manager at the Migration Agency, to SVT.

Salwan Momika has been reported for incitement against a ethnic group. In light of the Koran burnings, the government has decided to investigate whether the ordinance can be used to prevent similar actions in the future.
