When a user opens his new gaming PC and sees the CPU, he feels uneasy. However, he also knows why his PC is overheating.
What’s wrong with this new gaming PC? Overheating components of a PC can have various causes. But when Reddit user biggunbangstik first looked at the CPU of his new water-cooled PC, he was shocked. He posted his discovery on the Pcmasterrace subreddit along with some photos of a cable that was literally stuck.
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Cable in the terminal
What exactly did he discover? Someone made a fatal mistake while assembling their PC. A cable that belongs to the water cooling system got between the cooling block and the CPU. Lubricated with thermal paste, it was pressed onto the processor by the block held in place with clamps – and the cooling was of course ruined, as biggunbangstik humorously comments:
I paid for water cooling, not an oven
Where did he get the computer? According to information he made in a comment under his initial post, he himself bought the system from a mother, as he writes, on a trading platform. She had tried to get the computer to work, but quickly gave up after unpacking it. Instead of returning it so that the manufacturer of the complete PC could fix the problem, she resold it. She shied away from the hassle associated with international shipping. The package would have had to go from Canada back to the United States (via Reddit).
Is the PC running now? Yes, biggunbangstik has overcome the cooling disaster and is now using the system without any problems (via Reddit). The cable even survived its misery in the oven.
Speaking of overheated: When a user unscrewed his GPU, which was constantly running too hot, he also made a surprising discovery. But at least it was clear afterwards why his graphics card had such problems dissipating the excess heat: New GPU for almost 2,000 euros overheated for weeks: buyer unscrews it and finds that something important is missing