“I miss him every day”

“Was a big part of my life” • Took his own life two years after the close collaboration

The new Idol jury member Ash Pournouri was the one who discovered Tim “Avicii” Bergling.
The duo worked closely together for eight years.
Two years after that, Tim took his own life.
– We became extremely close, I miss him every day, says Ash in “Idol”.

This year’s Idol Jury consists of two newcomers. One of them is Arash “Ash” Pournouri, who works as a producer, manager and songwriter for big artists such as Madonna, Coldplay and Swedish House Maffia.

But he is mainly associated with Tim “Avicii” Bergling.

– I am perhaps best known for having been Avicii’s manager, partner and executive producer, says Ash in the season premiere of “Idol”.

– It is clear that you are proud to have created, not only Swedish, but global music history in Avicii.

That’s how Ash Pournouri and Tim “Avicii” Bergling met

Ash and Tim met in 2008.

– I was doing a lot of clubs at Cafe Opera once a week and had a lot of DJs. Then I had a lot of thoughts about the music and got in touch with Tim and asked if we should write something together. And that’s how it started, says Ash.

Then the success story was a fact. They broke record after record, above all with the single “Wake me up”.

– It was a big part of my life. It was eight years when there was nothing else. We became extremely close, I miss him every day, says Ash.

The criticism of Ash Pournouri after Avicii’s death

Tim passed away in April 2018. Three years before, the documentary “Avicii: True stories” was released, which was widely circulated, especially after the artist’s death, and Ash was then accused of pushing Tim too hard. Several believed that Ash’s actions must have contributed to Tim choosing to end his life.

Therefore, some critical voices were raised when Ash was confirmed as a new jury member in Idol.

Ash himself has described the whole thing as “bizarre” and said that the documentary does not show a completely fair picture of what it was actually like.

– They cut in things without context. We were not allowed to answer or provide our own information. The clip I’m talking about is from 2014, which has to do with something completely different, he said in the Success podcast.

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Swedish music entertainment where unknown talents get the chance to show what they can do in front of a critical jury.
