“I made a mistake that is unacceptable”

I made a mistake that is unacceptable

The NHL club St. Louis Blues informed about the suspected drunk driving of its player Kasperi Kapanen. Kapanen’s case is scheduled to be heard in the district court in February 2024.

Ice hockey player Kasperi Kapanen has commented on his suspected aggravated drunk driving in a press release published by his NHL club St. Louis Blues.

– Last month I made a mistake that is unacceptable. I take full responsibility for my actions. I apologize to my family, the Blues organisation, my teammates and supporters. I understand the seriousness of my mistake and I will do everything in my power to regain their trust, Kapanen said.

GM of St. Louis Doug Armstrong said that the club has been in contact with Kapase and his agent.

– We are disappointed in his judgement. We trust that he will make the necessary changes so that he does not find himself in a similar situation again.

The case has been brought up in the district court of Pohjois-Savo on August 23, and the case is scheduled to be heard in the district court in February 2024.

The prosecutor will not comment on the course of events to until the matter becomes public in connection with the court hearing in February. has not reached Kapas or his agent Markus Lehtoa to comment on the matter.

Drunk driving is outrageous, if the driver’s blood alcohol concentration is at least 1.2 per thousand or he has at least 0.53 milligrams of alcohol per liter of exhaled air during or after driving. For milder drunk driving, the limit is 0.5 per thousand or 0.22 milligrams.

You are also guilty of aggravated drunk driving if you have used, for example, intoxicating substances in such a way that your ability to drive is noticeably impaired, and the circumstances are such that the crime is capable of causing a danger to the safety of another person.

Serious drunk driving can be sentenced to a minimum of 60 daily fines and a maximum of two years in prison.

publishes the suspect’s name already at this stage, because Kapanen is a national team player in a major sport and a role model for many young people.
