“I have a lump in my stomach”: this Spanish series to watch in less than 8 hours upsets Netflix subscribers

I have a lump in my stomach this Spanish series

This new Spanish mini-series which deals with the subject of sexual violence has been at the top of Netflix’s most viewed programs since it went online on May 31.

The darkest series can sometimes be the biggest hits. While it was released very discreetly on Netflix, this new Spanish mini-series ranked first in the top most viewed programs of the moment on the platform, only a few days after its release on May 31. Subscribers have already shared their opinions and were overwhelmed by these 8 episodes of approximately 45 minutes each.

This new fiction from the Iberian country is the adaptation of a novel by Miguel Saèz Carral. Neither one more (also titled Raising voice) follows the story of Alma, a seemingly uneventful teenager who is almost finished high school. But one day, the young woman decides to install a banner in her high school: “Be careful, a rapist is hiding among us”. The lives of the teenager and her friends will never be the same again. Because Alma, but also her friends Nata and Greta, will have a hard time making their voices heard. The series therefore addresses difficult but topical subjects, such as freedom of speech or sexual violence.


In the casting of Nor one more, Netflix subscribers were able to discover the actresses Nicole Wallace, Clara Galle and Aïcha Villaverde, who play the main trio and some are far from being unknown to the public. The first, who plays Alma, especially stood out in the film Against the directionreleased last year, when the second, playing Greta, exploded in the trilogy HAS through my window. The third, who plays Nata, however finds her first major role in the Netflix series.

Since its release on Netflix on May 31, Neither one more is in first place in the ranking of current series established by the streaming platform on its main page in France. On social networks, Internet users did not fail to share their opinions on Spanish fiction, considered “nugget” by several users of another judges the series “incredible”. “I have a knot in my stomach, I stopped counting the number of times I cried” also shares a Netflix subscriber on the social network after watching the sixth episode of the series. The 8 episodes of Neither one more can be discovered on Netflix.
