Everyone should know by now that gaming is not just a hobby for lonely nerds. MMORPGs in particular often thrive on community, which is only created through the game. MeinMMO author Linda B., who had her first relationship as a teenager in the MMORPG “4Story”, also knows this.
What is 4Story?
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Others go to parties, I play 4Story
Admittedly, this sounds pretty cliché and probably won’t surprise anyone, but I’ve always been someone who would rather stay home in the evenings than go out.
However, that doesn’t mean I didn’t want to do things with friends. And how do you best combine this? Play together online, of course.
As luck would have it, when I was in my early teens (I must have been around 12), my girlfriend’s big brother was playing this ominous game called “4Story”. Of course my friend had to look at what her brother was playing and persuaded him to let him use his PC for a few hours.
Of course, for the right experience she still needed companions. And that’s where I came into play, together with another friend.
When I saw the fantasy setting and the “cool graphics” (yes, it all looked totally realistic to me at the time), I didn’t ask twice. And then I was in my first MMORPG.
Love at first click
In addition to all the other things you do in an MMORPG – like questing, looting and leveling – you inevitably meet other players in a multiplayer game.
And one beautiful evening, as the sunset turned the pixelated sky red, I met him. And it was love at first click…
Well, okay, fortunately it wasn’t that cheesy after all. I don’t really know why (was it because of the game? Is that still the case today?), but somehow it was common practice back then to search for a “gf” (girlfriend) in the game or, conversely, a “bf” (boyfriend). ) to search.
If you wanted to be one of the cool kids – and have a chance of an in-game wedding – you absolutely needed it.
“Lucky in games, unlucky in love,” or something like that
I met my “prince dream” through the “bf” of one of my friends.
That’s pretty much how my first “relationship” came about.
We were in a guild together, leveling up and attacking the opposing faction together. And yes, there were also pseudo-romantic dates in cozy places, such as at the top of a tower, where no player almost ever got lost.
At some point it was time to bring the “relationship” into the real world. After a short back and forth and a lot of panic on my part, we had the first phone call via Skype.
We had only been talking for a few minutes when the guy proudly told me how much he would like to kick his cat on a regular basis. I was so perplexed that I just hung up and never contacted him again. After that I was done with the boys.
Luckily, not all online acquaintances were so strange. My friends and I also met a lot of cool people in 4Story. My highlight were two French people with whom we regularly skyped and gambled, even though we could only communicate with our hands and feet. Because they couldn’t speak English any more than we could speak French.
Have you ever had any experiences with strange internet acquaintances? Is there perhaps even someone who felt the same way as me?
4Story is heavily based on World of Warcraft. Given the great success that Blizzard had with the game and continues to have to this day, that’s no wonder.
Of course, there are numerous other games that are based on WoW. Here on MeinMMO you can find out which games are supposed WoW clones:
5 bizarre games that actually copy World of Warcraft