A frugal gamer spends months looking for a cheap Nvidia RTX 4080 and is rewarded for his patience. He finds a model for an unbeatable 700 euros and can complete his high-end gaming PC with the graphics card.
PC gaming as a hobby can be an expensive pastime. Above all, the costs of the required hardware and especially a good graphics card quickly exceed the available budget if you don’t have a creative idea to save money on a graphics card upgrade.
As our colleagues from 3djuegos.com reported, a gamer could now be rewarded for his patience when looking for a cheap graphics card. After several months of waiting, he found an Nvidia RTX 4080 for just 700 euros.
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“I got an RTX 4080 for only 700 euros!”
What kind of offer was that? The gamer BillyLaBufanda3 reported on Reddit about his search for a suitable graphics card for his high-end gaming PC. To complete his new computer, he decided to purchase an Nvidia RTX 4080.
This model delivers enough performance to make maximum use of its 34-inch Samsung OLED G8 monitor with 4K resolution. After a long search, the gamer found the card he wanted in the form of a GeForce RTX 4080 Eagle 16G from Gigabyte for the equivalent of 700 euros.
The gamer reports on Reddit about his lucky find
How did he find the map? BillyLaBufanda3 says he is a student who was raised by his parents to be frugal. Therefore, he didn’t want to pay the full price and spent a total of 4 months looking for a good graphics card that would fit into the existing PC case.
During his months-long bargain hunt, he spent several hours a day looking for a cheap Nvidia RTX 4080. To do this, he followed various offers on online marketplaces and also visited local stores until he finally found what he was looking for.
I’ve spent about an hour or two over the last 4 months searching the internet for deals on RTX 4080s and found this deal on Offerup. In general I don’t like Offerup, but eBay prices were terrible, there were no GPUs for a good price on Facebook Marketplace.
BillyLaBufanda3 on Reddit
The Gigabyte model is currently available from German retailers for around 1,300 euros (via geizhals.de) and therefore costs almost twice as much as the 750 euro offer discovered by the player. Despite the large savings, the thrifty student still feels the price paid is too high.
I spent months searching Facebook Marketplace, opening box deals in stores, Mercari, and Offerup. That’s objectively a good deal, although I don’t like the current prices for high-end GPUs.
BillyLaBufanda3 on Reddit
What else is in the gaming PC? By purchasing the RTX 4080, the gamer was able to complete his high-end system. According to him, all other components were purchased regularly from retailers. Together with the 700 euro graphics card, his computer is said to have cost a total of only 1,700 euros.
For this total, in addition to the RTX 4080, the gaming PC also includes an AMD 7800X3D processor and a 4 TB SSD as selected hardware.
The processor, motherboard, RAM and housing come from Microcenter. The SSD is from Crucial’s website. AiO water cooling, case fan and power supply were purchased from Amazon.
BillyLaBufanda3 on Reddit
BillyLaBufanda3 was rewarded for his patience and after several months was finally able to enjoy his new gaming PC with the Nvidia RTX 4080. Modern graphics cards like the 4080 have a lot of computing power to display games with enough FPS, provided the hardware is connected correctly: a player builds a gaming PC that costs 1,800 euros and only has a meager 6 FPS in games – but the solution is incredibly simple