“I gave birth under hypnosis and it was even better than in my dreams”

I gave birth under hypnosis and it was even better

After an accident, Manon discovers the principle of hypnosis and its benefits. A few years later, she decided with her partner to give birth to their first child, under hypnosis. Testimony of an unusual birth.

Because they want to live a natural experience, without suffering and without fear, some women decide to give birth under hypnosis. This is the case of Manon Galinier, who became a hypnotherapist specializing in perinatal care. Before becoming a professional in this sector and launching her baby project, this young woman of 33 years was considering a very traditional birth, with an epidural, like most women. Until the day she discovered, following a serious accident, the therapeutic practice of hypnosis. “At that time, hypnosis was able to relieve insurmountable pain, even with morphine. So I told myself that I wanted to give birth under hypnosis to better manage my contractions,” she tells us. And that’s what she did.

On the night of October 3 to 4, 2020, Manon felt her first labor contractions. With her husband, she goes to her sector university hospital, level three. In this hospital establishment, the medical team is aware of her birth plan: she wishes to have a physiological birth, carried out successfully thanks to hypnosis.

“During my delivery, I experienced three forms of hypnosis. I self-hypnotized myself by smelling my anchoring scent, which was soap, and closing my eyes with gentle breathing. At that moment, I plunged into a state of relaxation. My partner also helped me go into a gentle trance thanks to his words. I trained him beforehand and we worked together throughout my pregnancy. Finally, I also had the right to play an audio that I had pre-recorded, in which I speak for one minute (the duration of a contraction on average, editor’s note), which allowed me to focus entirely on the contractions”, the young mother explains to us. As a result, by having put all this in place with the help of caregivers, and without an epidural, Manon had the impression that her contractions passed much more quickly, while her delivery lasted a total of 36 hours.

“During the entire labor, I was not aware of the time that was passing. I did not feel that it was so long, and above all, I did not suffer. I welcomed each contraction, one after the other. others, without dwelling on them or anticipating the next one. I think it was the moment in my life when I was most in the present moment. I felt so powerful and very connected with my baby. C “was a million times crazier than I had imagined in my dreams, it was magical”, she explains. So much so that after this experience, she had the idea of ​​creating her site “Naissance Magique” to support future mothers also looking for a birth where they are the main actors.
