Meinmmo-Demon Cortyn has completed one of the most annoying successes in World of Warcraft. And now the oven is over – at least for the time being.
There is a lot to do in World of Warcraft. Especially when you like to collect oak – like me. I work in stages on some of them, others I try to do “in one go” when they can be locked up in the course of an evening.
But hardly any success was as lengthy as “the weapons” (“A Farewell to Arms”).
This is the great meta-success for the Battle for Azeroth expansion. However, success was only brought into play for many years later, namely with the patch 11.0.5.
The success came into play together with the siren island:
Siren island – the new content in WoW Patch 11.0.7
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Basically, the vast majority of diligence in this success is. You can work on the call fractions, do various collective successes or catch up with some aspects of the story that you might have not completed on the Horde or Allianz page.
That was fine.
But a few aspects of the success were right, really caustic.
Because some partial successes could only be concluded if you complete very specific world quests in a very specific way.
What doesn’t sound so complicated in theory is associated with relatively meticulous control. Because some of the world quests only appear every few weeks and – in the case of invasions – are only active for a few hours. So you don’t just have to look for the quests every day, but preferably several times a day so as not to miss the small time window a month where you could complete the success.
But even if the desired world quest is then active, you have to make sure to complete the quest exactly in the way that is required in success.
When the blood is invasion, you have to complete the quest in 30 seconds. This is not that easy, because a single, wrong click can already mean that this bombing quests can no longer be achieved that success can no longer be achieved.
“No problem, then you just try again” – yes, think.
Because once the quest has been completed, it has also disappeared with this character and you either have to umlogen to a second character or hope that the world quest will appear again promptly.
Welt quests are still a little more known in which you have to act completely unintically. In the “sand fishing”, for example, you have to capture 5 rare objects that drop the quest enemies-but only as long as you are actively on this quest. This in turn means that the items necessary for the quest should not be plundered expressly, otherwise the quest will be completed and you can no longer farm.
Some of these tasks sometimes really drove me to white glow. But hey, now I’m done. And I feel burned out a little. Because this success was one of my “big goals” that I had in World of Warcraft. Now I have Jani as a mount, but also a certain emptiness and less desire to log in.
I don’t know if the success and the mount was worth this effort. But hey, there were 100 success points and the bar with the “completed success” has again increased a tiny piece. I probably earned a break. At least until patch 11.1 Lorenhalt, which will probably start in just under 2 weeks …