“I feel alone in the relationship”

I feel alone in the relationship

As known turns out Julia Franzen and Bingo Rimér more vulnerable in Season 2 of Bingo and Julia. It’s something that we get to see in today’s episode of the family’s reality show.

Bingo and Julia go to couples therapy – here’s why

Julia Franzén asks herself if she can really bear to live with Bingo Rimér. Credit source: TT/Duygu Getiren/Jessica GowJulia Franzén on the relationship: “Does it last in the long run?”

As the couple settles down on the couples therapist’s couch, the therapist asks how they’ve been since they last saw each other.

– Very difficult to answer, because I don’t know. I think we’ve argued less because I feel like I’ve given up on trying to succeed. I don’t know if we’ve argued less or if it’s like this “I haven’t been able to take it”, says Julia.

She goes on to explain that she has begun to realize that there is no point in getting into certain arguments.

– Do I want to be with this guy who is like this and will he be able to understand me? We’ll see if it lasts in the long run and if I feel “can I live with such a person?”, explains Julia.

Bingo Rimér disappeared without a trace during the weekend

Bingo feels that Julia is talking about him somehow as if he is the root of the problem in their relationship. A direct consequence of him being bad at expressing his feelings is that he may have a bad tone of voice or may express himself in the wrong way. He believes that it creates a rift between them.

– It’s a bit like we are standing and digging a hole each and have hidden things that we now find. “Aha, are you like that?” and then you look at each other and it’s not certain that you like it, he says.

Bingo Rimér feels that he is not allowed to have input into the relationship. Image Source: Prime Video/Screenshot Bingo Rimér: “I’m an evil person”

Bingo feels that he is not allowed to have any input, because Julia has decided how everyday life should look like. It creates a rift between them, because Julia does not agree with it at all.

– The fact that you have no claim in our family is a joke. You control what we do, all the time. You are the one who really has the strongest voice in the Franzén family, says Julia and continues:

– You decide what we are going to do and we just follow. I think they’re fun ideas so it doesn’t matter, but don’t say you sit and don’t get sued because that’s not true.

Julia Franzén ended up in the hospital after a sex party

– I can’t be me, I just have to adapt. You get the hell to decide. As soon as I have a behavior that you dislike, then I am an evil person, says Bingo.

He has shown this vulnerable side to Julia before, but she explains that it is very difficult to reach. The subject he brings up makes her very sad, that he feels the way he does.

– I think it’s terrible that he feels so alone and I feel frustrated that I can’t do anything about it. I really want him to feel that he can talk to me and that he can relax with me, she says.

Bingo Rimér puts the cards on the table – this has happened between Katrin and Julia

Bingo opens up and shows himself vulnerable. It’s a great step on the way to moving forward! Good luck, we say to the couple.
