“I don’t think about the fact that my leg was cut off anymore, I just think about winning”

You have to call on your mind for serious things

If children met Paralympic athletes, what questions would come to mind? This is the idea of ​​our special series “Children’s World” broadcast on the occasion of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games. Charlie Dupiot asked children to interview Edmond Sanka, a para-canoe competitor, and Badr Touzi, a shot put specialist.

Selected alongside 25 other athletes from around the world to receive an Olympic scholarship, Edmond Sanka is a Senegalese athlete qualified in para-canoeing, he has been training in France for a year, within the ASL canoe-kayak club in Arras, in the north of France. This is where several CM1-CM2 students came to meet him. These students from the Langevin primary school have lots of questions for him about his disability. A meeting hosted by Charlie Dupiot.

First episode of our special series on the occasion of the Paralympic Games.

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