“I don’t like being touched by others”: where does haptophobia come from?

I dont like being touched by others where does haptophobia

Shaking hands, kissing… Isn’t that your thing at all? You may be haptophobic. A phobia of touch which, in extreme cases, can lead to isolation.

There irrational fear of physical contact and to touchnamed haptophobiaaffects more individuals since the Covid-19 crisis.Covid-19 has reinforced this unhealthy fear in people already affected and has emerged in new patients” underlines Pascal Anger, psychotherapist and psychoanalyst. Affected individuals can jump Or seek to avoid any physical contact, even trivial, such as a hand shake, a hug or kiss. “In extreme cases, this phobia can lead to anxiety disorders, depressive states and complications in daily life” indicates the specialist. Haptophobia can lead to complications in intimate relationships, married life and social interactions and professional. “People suffer enormously from this lack of contact because touch contributes to self-esteemthere trust and remains an inherent human need” recalls Pascal Anger.

What are the causes of haptophobia?

The origins of haptophobia are multiple and can be linked to:

  • of the trauma such as sexual assault or incest
  • of the Remarks demeaning on the cleanliness of the person
  • education (or the environment cultural): parents attach more or less importance to physical contact. Some families transmit physical distancing (consciously or not) to their children

In addition, events recent ones such as the Covid-19 pandemic and the AIDS epidemic increased the fear of touch and physical contact” explains the psychotherapist.

What are the symptoms of haptophobia?

Haptophobia manifests itself as excessive reaction to the slightest physical contact, which can go as far as immediately cleaning an object touched by someone outside or washing clothes after a simple contact. Affected people may also suffer anxiety, stress and depression linked to their fear of touch. “There may be anxiety, discomfort, sensations choking or suffocation at the slightest touch” specifies Pascal Anger. Some people are unable to take the metro or a taxi for fear of proximity to other people.

The diagnosis of haptophobia is usually made by a psychological health professional (psychologist, psychiatrist or psychotherapist), often after those around the patient have alerted them to their disorder. “It is rarer for the person to realize this on their own.” notes our expert.

There are treatments to overcome this phobia, including cognitive-behavioral therapies (CBT), brief therapies, hypnosis and relaxation techniques such as sophrology or meditation. If the phobia becomes too much suffering for the patient, medications for stress and anxiety can be prescribed. “The objective of the treatments is to find the source of the phobia and to bring it back to the patient to make them understand that the other is not a threat.“insists the psychotherapist.

Thanks to Pascal Anger, psychotherapist and psychoanalyst.
