A thread has been opened on the gaming Reddit in which players are asked to reveal their biggest sins. Some are just nasty, others are rather strange. We’ve picked out the highlights for you and look forward to reading your sins in the comments.
What are these sins? The sins are very different and not all of them are really bad.
The top comment, for example, comes from user Stanglemeir, who talks about blowing up a Minecraft server. He destroyed a large part of the project with 100 stacks of TNT because the owner suddenly became greedy and introduced what he saw as brazen monetization. Some commentators here believe that it was not South at all, but that he ensured a just punishment.
XenonFyre, on the other hand, reports that he has never learned lockpicking in Skyrim. Instead, you saved before each chest and, if in doubt, simply reloaded the game if you failed. Others report that they always cheat here and simply give each other a thousand lock picks.
But it also gets really nasty.
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Which sins are really unpleasant? Like the one from Burribro348. As a child, he really wanted to have all three starter Pokémon and did something painful to his brother in order to do so:
I had Pokémon Silver, my brother had Gold. He had just beaten the top four, probably the proudest moment of his young life.
However, I then started a new game on its cartridge so I could get all three starter Pokemon. Then I started a new game again, with its old name etc. and simply said that the game must have had a bug.
There were tears. Sorry, brother.
Some other users say that they either did something similar or something similar happened to them.
Coffee-Soup, on the other hand, told all his friends that Pokémon Mystery Dungeon was a really good game, but didn’t reveal that he used a trick to avoid needing food in dungeons. His friends, however, despaired of the difficulty.
Pokémon can be pretty brutal!
However, one sin that is most often confessed is mishandling NPCs:
Cheats and the tiresome topic of time
What else do the players confess? Players repeatedly report cheats that they have used.
In Gears of War, Hardcore difficulty is really difficult. But if you play with two players, one can set the difficulty to “Hardcore” and the second player to “Easy”. The second player can then simply shoot the entire game while the first player hides. He still gets the achievement for beating the game in Hardcore mode.
Another more general sin point is time. A father, for example, says that he can only play through everything on easy because he doesn’t have time to get used to high levels of difficulty.
But there is also the other extreme. Thoarzar reports that despite 800+ hours of play, he never finished Skyrim because he was constantly creating new characters.
But which of the sins do you find the worst? And what is your greatest sin? Feel free to write it in the comments.