“I dissolve the National Assembly” – L’Express

I dissolve the National Assembly – LExpress

Political drama. Emmanuel Macron announced this Sunday, June 9, the dissolution of the National Assembly after the overwhelming victory of Jordan Bardella’s (RN) list in the European elections.

“I will sign in a few moments the decree convening the legislative elections which will be held on June 30 for the first round and July 7 for the second,” declared the Head of State in a televised address after the announcement of the results. .

READ ALSO: Bardella at the Europeans: this shadowy commando who led him to victory

“A danger to our nation”

The outcome of the European vote “is not a good result for the parties which defend Europe”, “the rise of nationalists and demagogues is a danger for our nation”, he added.

“Yes, the extreme right is both the impoverishment of the French and the downgrading of our country,” he said. “Added to this situation is a fever which has gripped public and parliamentary debate in our country in recent years.” “Now, today, the challenges that present themselves to us, whether external dangers, climate change and its consequences or threats to our own cohesion, these challenges require clarity in our debates, “ambition for the country and respect for every French person”, he concluded.
