“I didn’t even read the script”

I didnt even read the script

Actors often regret turning down a role that later became a huge success. Mickey Rourke is one of them and he may have to regret even more than most othersDuring the 80s he became a star and was celebrated as an exceptional talent. But his success also gave him a big ego. He made many decisions that still haunt him today.

Mickey Rourke not only rejected Quentin Tarantino for Pulp Fiction

After his first high point with American Diner and Rumble Fish, Mickey Rourke did not exactly play in the big prestige projects. And this despite being offered corresponding roles. In an interview with Daily Mail, he said some of his biggest mistakes with.

For example, he turned down roles in All the President’s Men and The Silence of the Lambs. Dustin Hoffman wanted him for Rain Man, but Rourke didn’t even return the call. Series of cancellations reached its peak when he also turned down Quentin Tarantino’s offer for Pulp Fiction.

I think it was for Pulp Fiction, the role played by Bruce Willis. I haven’t even read the script.

Today he regrets the arrogance of that time, even though he understands how it came about. While his career was on the rise, he never thought for a second that this time could end at some point. Instead, he spent his money with both hands and thought he was invincible:

You don’t believe it’s going to end, and when it does, it’s really scary. I lost everything: my house, my career, my wife. My life was a disaster area.

Rourke has since been able to fight his way back and, despite many bad decisions, his filmography is impressive. In 2008, in particular, he was able to collect a wide range of awards for The Wrestler and take his career to new heights.
