I could have prevented the Ukraine war

Trump claims that the war in Ukraine would never have broken out if he had remained in power in the US and calls on Europe to contribute more money to Ukraine.

Donald Trump was questioned in a live so-called “town hall” on CNN on Wednesday evening local time. It is his first appearance on the television channel since the 2016 presidential election.

Trump refused to distance himself from Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom he has previously said he respects. But he went so far as to say that Putin has made a huge mistake.

— The mistake was that he entered (Ukraine). He would never have done that if I were president. We talked about that all the time.

Not admitting loss

The hearing took place the day after a New York jury found Trump guilty of sexually assaulting and defaming a woman.

Trump called the verdict political and claims he never met the woman who accused him.

When asked if Trump admitted defeat in the last election, the former president chose not to answer and instead criticized the current president Joe Biden and his government.

“Drill Baby”

Trump continued to play down the storming of the US Congress on January 6, 2021. He believes that his words and actions cannot be connected to the violence. He further says that if he becomes president, he will probably pardon several people who were convicted of the storming.

Trump’s answer to dealing with inflation and the skyrocketing cost of living is more oil drilling in the US.

— Drill baby, drill, says Trump.
