Of all the killstreaks that can be achieved in the multiplayer of “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3” by killing enemies, the Nuke, or “Tactical Atomic Bomb,” is probably the strongest. It is correspondingly difficult to earn them. A Reddit user is now proving in a video that you can make your life much easier thanks to clever positioning.
What killstreak is it about? The Nuke should be widely known to everyone who regularly travels on the digital battlefields of “CoD” games. Since its first appearance in the original “Modern Warfare 2” in 2009, the kill streak has been both feared and admired by gamers.
Anyone who managed to collect the 25 kills required for unlocking within a round and not die in the process could call themselves the owner of a nuke. Once activated, a ten second countdown begins before the bomb goes off, killing all spawned players and ending the round.
Over the years, the parameters changed somewhat; in some of the series’ offshoots, the nuke was completely missing. In the current MW3 she is back on board, this time with the requirement to achieve 30 kills without dying herself. Not an easy task.
By the way, anyone who hoped that their own stats from “Warzone” would be retained with the start of the first season of MW3 will probably be disappointed.
The new CoD MW3 presents itself with shooter action in the new multiplayer trailer
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A Reddit user creates the nuke in record time
The user “Chrisable” published a video on Reddit in which he shows a record-breaking final series. In it he plays on the “Shipment” map and fires a light machine gun through a narrow gap between two container walls. The enemy spawning behind it has little chance of moving away from the said spot.
But see for yourself:
The user reaches the nuke in just 26 seconds. He received both admiration and criticism in the Reddit comments for his less than honorable actions.
Why is such an approach even possible? Another Reddit user named “TeaAndLifting” may have an explanation for why the perfidious system of spawn trapping works so well. The system attempts to spawn the player who has just been killed at a “safe” distance from the person who killed them in order to exact revenge quickly and easily. “In this case, their last killer had the safe spawn in their sights,” the user concludes. It’s not the first time that in-game systems or weapons have been criticized by the community. A certain sign was also recently criticized for being unfair.
It is questionable whether the video really shows a world record. Whether the method shown does not automatically disqualify oneself from a widely recognized record is in the eyes of each player.
What do you think of the video?
Have you already started the first season, which starts today? We have summarized all the important information for you.