“I believe we will be able to participate in Michel Barnier’s government” – L’Express

I believe we will be able to participate in Michel

In parallel with the formation of his government, Michel Barnier begins, this Tuesday, September 10, a tour of the parliamentary groups of the center and the right, whose support is not totally acquired, starting with the Macronist elected officials.

Key information to remember

⇒ Gérard Larcher assures that LR will be able to participate in the government

⇒ Michel Barnier has a meeting with Macronist deputies

⇒ Matignon denies considering the creation of an immigration ministry

Larcher opens the door

The Prime Minister’s agenda could still make room for the parliamentary days of his own political family, Les Républicains (LR), which had the brilliant idea of ​​meeting on Thursday and Friday in Aix-les-Bains, in Michel Barnier’s Savoyard stronghold. A positive signal came Monday evening from the LR President of the Senate Gérard Larcher, who opened the door wide for the right-wing party to participate in the Barnier team.

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“The Prime Minister seems to have adopted our proposals and I believe that we will be able to participate in the government,” he said. Figaro.

Because the strongman of the right, Laurent Wauquiez, had been demanding after a first exchange at Matignon last Friday. His 47 deputies will only play the game “on a program” taking up his priorities – in particular in matters of immigration and security – “and nothing else”.

Matignon denies considering the creation of an immigration ministry

Prime Minister Michel Barnier is not considering creating a ministry specifically dedicated to immigration, Matignon said on Monday, when asked about “ongoing discussions” in this regard reported by franceinfo.

READ ALSO: Michel Barnier and immigration: the journey of a convert to radical positions

The head of government “is wary of announcements and wants to treat the subject of immigration seriously,” his services asserted. “On the method, as on the outlines of this very important policy for the French, he is thinking about the most effective means to obtain results,” it was added.

Earlier, franceinfo had stated that Mr Barnier was considering “the return of a Ministry of Immigration”, a title that has not existed within the government since 2010.

A meeting with the Macronists

The Prime Minister is expected at 7:00 p.m. in Rosny-sur-Seine, at the end of the parliamentary day of the deputies Ensemble pour la République (EPR, ex-Renaissance) and their fellow senators. A first test for the new tenant of Matignon, who must ensure sufficient support in Parliament before the budget battle. Head of government but not yet of a majority whose balance of power he will first gauge.

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“Nothing can be done without us,” his predecessor Gabriel Attal, now at the head of the 97 Macronist deputies, who will have “neither a desire to block nor unconditional support” for him, has already warned him.

However, positions are more diverse within the group, between the left wing and the right wing, and depending on whether or not one is eyeing a ministerial post. Leaving Bercy for the vice-presidency of the National Assembly, Roland Lescure warned: “My confidence will not be automatic” and a hardening on immigration will be a “red line”. The same caution is shown by his resigning colleague at Agriculture, Agnès Pannier-Runacher: “We are at this stage in a position of constructive opposition. No censorship in principle, but no blank cheque”.

Support from Edouard Philippe

The Prime Minister, on the other hand, needs to know who he is dealing with. From this point of view, the leaders of Horizons at least have the merit of speaking with one voice. From the outset, Edouard Philippe promised that his supporters would be “many to help him”.

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Logical, since “we have an analysis that is close”, acknowledged Laurent Marcangeli after an interview at Matignon on Sunday. The leader of the 33 Philippist deputies even admitted that participation in the government “cannot be excluded”. Signals that were able to convince Michel Barnier to go to Reims on Wednesday, where the party is making its political and parliamentary comeback.

A visit planned to the MoDem

His visit is also planned to the 36 MoDem deputies, who are also meeting on Wednesday and Thursday in Cély-en-Bière (Seine-et-Marne), where the reception should be friendly. Didn’t François Bayrou praise Michel Barnier’s “assets” on Sunday, “a good choice” for Matignon because he “will allow the majority to be broadened”?

Obviously, this praise is not without ulterior motives from the mayor of Pau regarding a centrist presence in a “balanced government”, which “seems obvious” to him.
