If appearing in the superhero franchise can allow its actors to acquire resounding notoriety, one of them has expressed regrets about a very particular film in the saga.
For several years now, Marvel Studios have established themselves as essential players in the Hollywood blockbuster landscape. After the resounding success of the saga Avengers and especially from the last opus, Endgame (second biggest global box office success of all time since its release in 2019), films taking place within the MCU continue to mobilize audiences, despite much more mixed triumphs.
For an actor, appearing in a Marvel film can be a real career springboard, even if it means committing for several years. Despite all the benefits, some actors have expressed regret about appearing in the MCU. And, more surprisingly, Chris Hemsworth, iconic interpreter of Thor and one of the actors from the first hours of the saga, did not hide his disappointment with a particular feature film, and frustrations with his role.

Chris Hemsworth became the unforgettable god of thunder in 2011, with the first film featuring the son of Odin. Subsequently, the Australian actor appeared in all Avengers and three other solo adventures. Unfortunately, his last foray into the Marvel universe was a disappointment for the interpreter of Thor.
The actor regrets his appearance in love and thunder, released in 2022. In this blockbuster directed by Taika Waititi, the hero reconnects with his lifelong love, the scientist Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), who becomes the goddess of thunder. But the film was panned by press and public critics for its far too laborious use of comedy, which often falls flat or even ridicules the protagonist. In an interview with Vanity Fair last May, the actor admitted that he let himself be “trapped by the improvisations and the madness of the project”, even admitting to having “become a parody of [lui]-even.”
However, Chris Hemsworth continues to be grateful to have been able to play Thor, even though he may have been frustrated with the role in the past: “I sometimes felt like I was the security guard of the team”, calling himself “replaceable” compared to the other Avengers. An opinion which is not shared by Robert Downey Jr (Iron Man), who believes that Thor has “the most complex psyche of all the Avengers. He has both wit and a certain gravity, but also a restraint, energy and gentleness.” If love and thunder is certainly a departure from the road, it fortunately did not sign the end of the career of Chris Hemsworth who shines as the great villain of Furiosacurrently in cinemas.