“I am very disappointed with Macronism”: in Alsace, meeting with voters of the National Rally

I am very disappointed with Macronism in Alsace meeting with

In Alsace, the National Rally (RN) rose to the top almost everywhere, including in cities which had placed Emmanuel Macron’s party in the lead during the last European and presidential elections. To try to understand this shift and the concerns it raises, meeting with voters from Sélestat and Geispolsheim.

Located 50 km south of Strasbourg, the town of Sélestat, 20,000 inhabitants, is the sub-prefecture of Bas-Rhin. It is well equipped with services and shops and the average income per household is even higher than the French average. During the June 9 vote, the voters of this commune placed the National Rally in the lead, with 10 points more than in the last European elections.

Sitting on a café terrace, Marie-Hélène Schwarzer, a retired trader, does not want to say who she voted for. But the sixty-year-old claims to understand the shift of her commune in favor of the RN. “ The president took care of Ukraine, of Europe, but not of the French. While things are going badly in France: electricity and gas have increased, the shopping cart has gone from €160 to €220. It couldn’t get any worse. »

Declining purchasing power. This is also the first reason mentioned by Théo Uhlen to explain his vote. The 20-year-old young man, a BTS building student, works at the same time to finance his studies. And like many young people from Sélestat, he voted for the RN by Jordan Bardella : “ I have quite a few friends who support him. It’s a party that speaks to me, where I in any case feel confident in what they want to undertake, especially on an economic level. For example, as a student, we don’t have a huge income, so obviously the fact that they want to lower VAT is very important.

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We’re tired of it, things have to change! »

Closer to Strasbourg, the town of Geispolsheim, 7,500 inhabitants, also placed the RN well in the lead last Sunday, with a lead of 10 points over the presidential party, thus reversing the result of the last elections. Sitting at the tobacco bar, at the edge of the wide road that crosses the town, Cloclo, a 61-year-old cashier who does not wish to give her name, claims to have voted RN this time: “ I am very disappointed with Macronism. Its 49.3 repeats starting with retirement: If it was like before, I’d be retired by now. Taxes, insecurity, impunity towards offenders… We’re fed up, things have to change! »

Insecurity is also the subject that concerns Victoire Bozon, 24 years old. Police officer in Geispolsheim, she voted for Jordan Bardella’s list. “ His idea of ​​France’s security is what matters to me. »

An increase in the RN vote which worries Morgane Aydin, a 42-year-old mother, French of Turkish origin. “ I’m afraid for my children. And even we at the moment, we are wondering if we will stay where we are or if we will look elsewhere in another European country. »

Read alsoJulien Odoul (RN): “We have a historic chance to turn our country around”
