Hyundai has made history for the future of flying car / taxi again

Hyundai has made history for the future of flying car

One of the world’s largest automobile manufacturers Hyundaiattaches great importance to the flying vehicle / taxi side and sets a target for itself in this regard.

Hyundaithere will be those who remember established in the past years Urban Air Mobility Division It sounded serious. With this department, the company said that they would focus directly on the vehicles of the future, such as flying cars. The head of this established department NASA engineer Dr. Jaiwon ShinThe company that passed the first at CES 2020 Personal Air Vehicle (PAV) also showcased the model as a concept. The company has taken another big step on top of these, and its work in this field has been supernal announced that he would continue with the company. One of the most important names of the company in Europe, which made a statement about its plans on this side last year. Michael Cole, date when flying cars / taxis will become reality 2030 as transferred. Michael Cole, now President and CEO of Hyundai UK, was interviewed. 2030 gave its history once again and He said that they are determined to comply with this goal.


Saying that in 2030, we can see some urban applications for cargo and perhaps passengers, and that the exit will be made on a small scale. stated Cole once again brought up the area in which many different companies invested. Hyundai, established supernal Within the scope of the statement made in particular, it gave an earlier date specifically for flying taxis. The company then launched the first flying taxi. 2028 He stated that they aim to make it available in the year. The giant manufacturer stated that they will start real concrete steps and studies on this issue after 2024. The short-term transfer of transportation to the air by electric vehicles will replace helicopters first. flying taxis will be with. Then, cars that can actually fly will enter our lives.
