Hypokalemia: the signs and causes of a lack of potassium

Hypokalemia the signs and causes of a lack of potassium

Laeticia Hallyday was hospitalized in intensive care at the American Hospital in Neuilly because of hypokalemia (lack of potassium). It can be life-threatening due to its impact on the heart. What are the warning symptoms? Causes? More common in anorexics? What treatments? Our advices.

[Mise à jour le 29 mars 2022 à 11h44] On March 21, 2022, Laeticia Hallyday was hospitalized in intensive care at the American Hospital in Neuilly because of hypokalemia, according to our colleagues from Closer. Hypokalemia characterizes the decrease in potassium levels in the blood. Is that bad ? What are the warning signs? What to do ? What are the common causes? Explanations.

What is the definition of hypokalemia?

Hypokalemia means a decrease in the amount of potassium in the bloodwith a concentration less than 3.5 mmol/l. It can lead to sometimes fatal consequences due to the cardiac complications ; causing arrhythmias which may be followed by a cardiac arrest.

What are the signs of a potassium deficiency?

The signs of hypokalemia are neuromuscular, digestive and renal. In case of moderate hypokalaemia, the fatigue is the most common symptom potassium deficiency. One can also observe crampsfrom myalgiaa muscular weakness, from nausea, constipation and intestinal bloating. A polyuria (frequent urination) and metabolic alkalosis may occur. A severe hypokalemia can cause cardiac arrhythmia, disturbance of the heart rhythm which affects its frequency, the intensity of the contractions and the regularity: the heart, which needs potassium to contract, can no longer perform its functions. The main manifestations of heart arrhythmia are palpitations, dizziness, too slow or too fast pulsea drop in blood pressure, shortness of breath or chest pain. The most severe complications can lead to cardiac arrest and death.

What is the normal potassium level in the blood?

The normal potassium blood level should be between 3.5 and 4.5 mmol/l. These standards can vary according to the laboratories, and can go up to 5 mmol/L.

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What causes hypokalemia?

Hypokalaemia can be linked to a lack of intake in potassium. A lack of potassium intake is observed, for example, duringanorexia accompanied by vomiting. Prolonged fasting can also be one of the causes of hypokalemia. It can also be due to excessive losses of potassium through the urine or through the digestive tract. It can be acute and/or chronic diarrhea or profuse vomiting. It is also observed in cases of extensive burns. From medications can also cause hypokalemia. These are mainly diuretic drugs which increase the urinary elimination of potassium, laxatives, aspirin, digitalis and long-term corticosteroids.

When to consult?

When symptoms not explained by another cause persist, it is necessary to consult a doctor to carry out a biological assessment which can update hypokalaemia. Subjects at risk (long-term treatments, chronic diseases, anorexic subjects) must monitor their serum potassium regularly. If hypokalaemia is discovered, a cardiac assessment is often necessary and supplementation is essential.

What are the treatments for hypokalemia?

First of all, it is necessary treat the cause of hypokalemia in addition to potassium supplementation. The method of administration and the amount of potassium to be administered depend on the degree of hypokalaemia and cardiac complications. In situations that do not represent an emergency, the treatment consists of eat foods high in potassium and add if necessary potassium chloride tablets.

“Regular consumption of foods containing potassium helps maintain a balanced rate. These are the legumes (white beans, lentils), vegetables (chard, spinach, potatoes, cabbage, mushrooms), fruits (avocados, bananas, apricots, citrus fruits, blackcurrants) and dried fruits (walnuts, almonds, pistachios, dates, figs). It is also found in meat, fatty fish, chocolate and whole grains. list Dr Anne-Christine Della Valle, general practitioner. In emergency situations, potassium chloride is injected intravenously.

Source: Potassium balance abnormality, CUEN, September 2018.
