Hyperspermia: definition, cause, how much semen?

Hyperspermia definition cause how much semen

Hyperspermia is characterized by an ejaculation volume greater than 6ml. If it does not have any consequences on fertility, it can however be embarrassing in intimacy. Explanations with Dr. Carol Burté, specialist in sexual medicine, sexology and andrology.

Definition: what is hyperspermia?

Hyperspermia is a semen ejaculation exceeding 6 mL. This occasional or chronic anomaly may correspond to a period of sexual abstinence or inflammation of the seminal vesicles or accessory glands. Conversely, hypospermia means a volume of ejaculated semen less than 2 ml. The realization of a spermogram makes it possible to quantify the volume of the ejaculate and to detect possible traces of bacteria.

What are the causes of hyperspermia?

Hyperspermia may be related to a prolonged sexual abstinence or enlarged seminal vesicles. Too much volume of ejaculate can also occur as part of infertility as this leads to a dilution of the spermatozoa and can cause a vaginal overflow.

How much sperm ejaculated during hyperspermia?

We speak of hyperspermia when the quantity of ejaculated sperm is greater than 6ml. Hyperspermia should not be confused with polyzoospermiawhich reflects too high a sperm density, i.e. over 250 million per ml of sperm. This affects their mobility and vitality and therefore fertility“, explains Dr. Carol Burté, a doctor specializing in sexual medicine.

When and who to consult?

If the volume of semen proves to be bothersome for the man and/or his partner, it may be interesting to consult a urologist. However, hyperspermia does not present no serious character, it can just be disturbing.

What tests to do in case of hyperspermia?

Since hyperspermia is not pathological, it does not require no exam. A spermogram can possibly be done but it will be of little use.

What are the consequences of hyperspermia?

Unlike hypospermia which can lead to infertility, hyperspermia has no no effect on fertility masculine.

What treatment to treat hyperspermia?

“Hyperspermia does not require no treatment. If it is related to abstinence, it may simply be recommended tohave more regular sex“, indicates the specialist.

Thanks to Dr. Carol Burté, specialized in sexual medicine, sexology and andrology, President of the Francophone Society of Sexual Medicine (SFMS).
