Hydrogen, 2023 was a turning point for the sector

Hydrogen 2023 was a turning point for the sector

(Finance) – The H2IT General Assembly – Italian Hydrogen Association, held today at Milan branch of Assolombardarepresented a fundamental opportunity to analyze the progress of hydrogen supply chain in 2023 and outline the future prospects of the sector. The meeting highlighted further the strategic importance of hydrogenor both in the European and Italian contexts, and has defined the directives for its development. For the first time, the Assembly also saw the intervention of a key institutional player, Fabio Scoccimarro, Councilor for environmental protection, energy and sustainable development of the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region, a region that has focused on the hydrogen vector to attract investments and be a leader in innovation.

“2023 was a year of significant transformations for the hydrogen sector – he commented Alberto Dossi, President of H2IT. We are facing a fundamental opportunity to consolidate hydrogen as a pillar of the energy transition. This is why we worked by setting ourselves a specific objective: to create a collaborative ecosystem in which industry, research, politics and territories work together for a cleaner and more sustainable future also thanks to this vector. Europe has put H2 at the center of its energy policy and is showing us the way forward. Italy, thanks to PNRR funds, has also proven receptive. However, the development of a national hydrogen strategy is needed to avoid the risk of wasting years of investments by companies. It is also necessary to seek harmonious, sustainable growth but without second thoughts. We live in a moment in which collaboration is a priority factor and we know that investments and sharing of know-how can make Italy an excellence in this highly technological sector. We are proud that our work is achieving the desired success, as demonstrated by the intervention of Councilor Scoccimarro, who I thank for having believed, with facts, in our sector”.

In Europe, 2023 was decisive for the sector. During the Hydrogen Week in Brussels, Ursula Von Der LeyenPresident of the European Commission, announced the European Hydrogen Bank auctions for 2024, allocated for 2.2 billion euros, establishing a new market framework aligned with the interventions of the Member Countries. Furthermore, the obligation for Member States to develop National Hydrogen Strategic Plans was introduced, confirming the industrial importance of the carrier and its centrality in the European Green Deal and in the international political agenda. Hydrogen Europe monitored 924 clean hydrogen production projects in Europe, highlighting that 82% of them are currently only in early development, as a concept or feasibility study. This data highlights two aspects: on the one hand, the pipeline of projects is vast and promising, demonstrating the enormous interest and potential of the sector; on the other hand, there is an urgent need to implement measures that can accelerate the path of these projects towards the final investment phase, thus ensuring that hydrogen can fully play its role in the energy transition.

In Italy, the sector has received a strong boost from the PNRR, which foresees investments of 3.64 billion to develop the hydrogen supply chain. In particular, 450 million are intended for the creation of 54 Hydrogen Valleys throughout the national territory; 1 billion for the introduction of hydrogen to begin the decarbonization process of hard-to-abate sectors; 250 million for the development of roadside refueling stations and 200 million for industrial plans dedicated to the production of electrolysers and their components. In addition, the first version of the PNIEC (Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan 2030) was published, which establishes objectives for hydrogen in line with the Renewables Directive 3 (RED III) of the European Union. Finally, a revision of the PNRR was proposed which includes the Repower EU chapter, further emphasizing the strategic importance of hydrogen in the national energy context and aligning with European directives.

Exactly like the sector it represents, 2023 was also a year of great growth for H2IT. The first Italian Hydrogen Summit was held in May, an essential moment to bring together the world of business, research and politics with the aim of finding common solutions for the development of the supply chain. The Association has paid particular attention to the topic of incentives for hydrogen, focusing on covering operating costs and opening up the market. A work that resulted, in July 2023, in a detailed report that H2IT shared with MASE and MIMIT. The report highlights real cases in Italy, analyzes the cost gap that limits the feasibility of projects and proposes strategies to reduce this gap. This commitment highlights the importance of understanding and overcoming the economic barriers that currently slow the adoption of hydrogen. In addition, H2IT has worked to strengthen the hydrogen supply chain through initiatives aimed at promoting dialogue and networking. These activities are essential to stimulate the creation of new partnerships and strengthen existing collaborations. To date, the association has 147 members (three years ago there were just over 40), a clear sign of the growth and expansion of the hydrogen sector.
